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Adding Essential Oils to Your Health Regiment

Essential Oils have become a popular means to support a healthy lifestyle. I jumped on the essential oil bandwagon when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. I went so far as to become certified as an essential oil coach.

I’m not sure there are many people still in the dark about essential oils, but if you are one of those still wondering “why essential oils” then hopefully this post will answer some questions for you.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years. Now that the science behind the use of essential oils is better understood, people are becoming more comfortable with using them from everything from sleep aid to immune protection to hormone balance.

Hormone balance has become important to me and drives my ability to function. If you have Hashimoto’s, you know that your hormones need all the help they can get. When the thyroid doesn’t function properly because of an autoimmune disease, it gets sluggish to the point where it barely functions. In some cases, it stops working, and the sufferer will submit to prescription medication. My goal was to avoid pharmaceuticals. I’m doing that by changing my diet, adding supplements, and making essential oils an everyday part of my life. I mix a blend of essential oils that I massage on my neck in the area of my thyroid, helping stimulate the gland and encourage healing.

If you’re wondering what essential oils are, I would say they are compounds extracted from plants by distillation or cold pressing. These extracts are ultra-concentrated.

Essential oils can be applied topically, inhaled, or ingested depending on the type of oil and concentration. Some oils need to be applied in a carrier oil because they are too potent to be placed directly on the skin.

There are many carrier oils available for use with essential oils: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Avocado Oil Jojoba oil. And the list goes on.

When using essential oils, it is important to consider many factors. If you are pregnant or nursing, if you are a young child or if you are considering the use for your pet, be sure to know your oil before applying. There are many essential oils not suitable for pets. Others should never be applied to a woman who is pregnant, and you should do your research before using them on young children. If you are an adult that is sensitive to environmental effects, you may want to stay away from essential oils.

For this post, I want to talk about stress, how it affects your thyroid, and how essential oils can help in healing.

Do you work in a stressful environment? If so, you may want to consider options to help release or reduce the stress you deal with daily. Chronic stress is one of the most significant factors influencing our hormonal health. Stress affects not only our hormones but many bodily functions. It also affects our metabolism, immune system regulation, hormone production, and our emotional response.

I’m not going to go into the medical definition or explanation of stress. I will say that stress takes its toll on the body, breaking down our immune systems and causing fatigue, cognitive issues, sleep deprivation, and digestive issues.  More importantly, at least for this article, stress that causes hormone imbalance is serious, especially for those who have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Major stress can decrease thyroid function and eventually lead to type 2 diabetes, autoimmune conditions, and heart disease.

So, now we get to the point of this post—essential oil use and how it can support a healthy lifestyle by assisting in the reduction of stress. Self-care is most important for lowering stress levels.

There are many books and articles available that offer information on ways to use essential oils to reduce stress. One of the most popular essential oils is lavender. Inhaling lavender soothes the mind, calms the nervous system, and relieves tension/anxiety. Bergamot is another soothing essential oil. It dissolves anxious feelings while uplifting one’s emotions. It cleanses and purifies the mind and body. Frankincense is another popular essential oil that promotes feelings of calm and relaxation and supports the immune, nervous, and digestive systems. Some of the others that support thyroid health are cedarwood, clary sage, clove, lemongrass, and wild orange.

While essential oils are not a cure-all for everything, they can be an important part of your healing arsenal. It’s amazing how as we get back to nature, we heal.