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Hashimoto’s Health Regime A New Beginning

If you are experiencing issues relative to your thyroid, they could be a result of a number of factors, some of which are:

  • Gluten intolerance
  • Soy
  • Casein (milk/dairy)
  • Sugar
  • Processed foods which are high in sugars
  • Goitrogens (I will explain this)
  • “ides” (bromide, fluoride, chloride)

Gluten intolerance is not necessarily the issue, but because so many of the foods we eat are GMO, our bodies have begun to rebel against the foods that would normally be considered safe for consumption. All the foods that we eat that have been genetically modified and are being passed off as safe for consumption but they are really foreign substances that our bodies are beginning to fight against because of the volume of GMO foods we ingest.  Because of the GMO wheat, our bodies may be having trouble digesting products containing gluten. This causes our digestive system to be overworked which may be keeping our bodies from absorbing the good nutrients and processing the waste effectively.

Soy is one of those “savior foods” that have actually turned out to be not so good for us. Soy is actually a poisonous plant. The byproduct only becomes consumable when it has been processed to a degree that will allow our bodies to accept the result.  Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find foods that are soy-free. Here are some foods that contain soy:

  • Salad dressings
  • Processed Cheese
  • Bread
  • Cookies
  • Chips
  • Processed foods
  • Canola Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Candy
  • Supplements
  • Almost every prepackages item
  • Soy Lecithin
  • Many more (you really have to read labels)

Casein (or dairy) is an issue generally because of the hormones and antibiotics and corn (GMO corn sprayed with chemicals) fed to the animals to keep them healthy. Those chemicals are passed through the animal and into the product that we consume.  If you can find an organic product you may be able to tolerate dairy. This argument also applies to the meat we eat. If it is not organic we are eating what the animal is fed (antibiotics, hormones, pesticides).

Sugar is bittersweet. We all love sugar, but our bodies really don’t digest it well. Sugar affects the way we digest our food. It causes problems with the pancreas and liver that could result in diabetes. The way we digest sugar has another effect on us. Our hormones are affected by way of our hormones.  The Thyroid is the smallest gland that has the greatest impact on how we feel. If you feel tired or unfocused after eating sugar it could be a sign of a bigger problem.

Processed foods have become the main staple in most diets in this country.  Foods that are boxed or frozen or canned save many hours of kitchen time that are no longer available due to work schedules. These foods may be saving time today. However, they may be stealing time from your life in the future. If you look at the instructions on the box you will find many ingredients. How many are actually safe for consumption?

Goitrogens are naturally found in many vegetables and some nuts. Among them are spinach, broccoli, almonds, and cabbage, to name a few. If you have a thyroid condition, you may want to eat these in moderation or make sure they are cooked for at least 30 minutes (if fresh). This will ensure the Goitrogens will no longer affect the thyroid.

When I say “ides” I mean Bromide, Chloride, and Fluoride. None of these are good for us.

There are many cities that have been putting fluoride in municipal water supplies, who are now rethinking this as studies are now showing that fluoride can be poisonous. It is my understanding that some studies are now pointing to fluoride as a contributor to childhood ADD. I wonder…. It makes sense. There are so many more children with this disorder today than 30 years ago.

Chloride is another one of those double-edged swords. It is a disinfectant which has killed many germs and bacteria that were once out of control. We now put it in our water so it is safe to drink. I wonder about this too, if the chlorine kills germs and bacteria, what will it do to us?

Bromides are flying under the radar. Bromides are found in pesticides, they are pesticides. If bromides are pesticides then why are they found in supplements, Facial cleansers, and soda (to name a few)? When I mention supplements I am thinking of one in particular. fish oil or most omega 3,6,9’s. They are made from krill and bottom feeders in the ocean.  This brings me back to the pesticides. All those pesticides are sprayed on plants, it rains, and the rain evaporates or runs off where??? Into the ocean. The water contains the bromides which settle to the bottom of the ocean and the krill feed off of them. When we take these omega supplements, we are eating what they eat.

If you have a thyroid condition there are many things you can do to improve the way you feel, most of them within your control. There are herbal/ vitamins supplements you can take that will help balance and maintain your metabolism. This in itself will be an improvement because you will have more energy.

There are essential oils that can ease tension and offer internal relief as well. Essential oils absorb into the body much quicker then supplements taken orally. Even though they are called essential “oils” there are no EFA (essential fatty acids) in them so they are absorbed into your skin quicker. I am not recommending you take any essential oils internally. Before you change anything, you should check with a natural health care provider. What is working for me may be different for you. The information I provide can be used as a guide or just information to prompt you to ask the questions.