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Magic, Mysore, Moving Energy – Day Thirteen

Today is day thirteen.

In the overview video, Brice talks to us today about the energy in our body. She asks us to go within and feel where in our body that energy might be stuck. She discusses the idea that when we realize our energy is stagnant, we can make a connection to our emotions and where we are physically in our life.

Have you ever noticed that when you get mad, noting goes right. You fall in to a cascade of emotions that lead you down a road that escalates that emotion of anger and frustration.

In the video below, Brice talks about how we can move that energy through exercise. When we “get physical” we not only create more energy in our body, but that energy acts as a conduit for those emotions to clear out. Look at it this way. When you have a clogged drain nothing will pass through it. Or whatever does pass, does so at a trickle. Slowing down the flow. When you clean out those drains, the water immediately flows through without any resistance.

The energy in our bodies is not so different from the clogged drain. If we sit idle, don’t move our bodies, then the energy doesn’t flow. When we begin the practice of exercise, that energy starts to move through the body. But because that energy has been stagnant in the body for so long, we have created blocks that need to be flushed out. Similar to flushing out the clogged drain.

As the energy begins to move it may bring up emotions that have been part of that stagnant energy. When that energy presents as anger we can help it move through the body by doing rigorous exercise. Brice gives us the option of kickboxing as a means to create this flow.

This flow will bring pain, stiffness and frustration. All of which are part of the process necessary to awaken the the body to manifest a spiritual awakening. This I am learning through this challenge.

Again the day closes with my journal, some intensive reading and lights out at 10pm.

Things are getting intense. In a good way. I hope you will look at this challenge as an opportunity to grow, spiritually (not religiously).

You can join the challenge at any time. It’s never to late toe heal and grow.