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Finding Courage – Day Fifteen

So, we’re at the half way point of the Shadow Work Challenge. We began today as we did the first day with Marnie Alton’s Barre exercise. By now I’ve become accustom to waking early and beginning my day with my new friends.

Today is Tuesday. And true to the Challenge we learned something new today. If you’re familiar with the Hindu faith, you will already know Tuesday is Hanuman’s Day. Brice brings up Hanuman today, who is the Hindu warrior monkey god. He represents courage. The story goes like this.

Rama (who represents God) marries Sita, (represents the soul) his true love. Ravana the demon king (our ego) who can’t be slayed kidnaps Sita. Rama searches tirelessly for Sita. Until he meets and hires Hanuman (represents courage) to find an rescue Sita. It’s a beautiful story. Brice gives a brief over view of the tale below. One much better than my brief synopsis.

We are all fighting an inner war. Our ego against our soul. The only way we will win this war is if we find the courage to fight our demons. The story of Ramayana is one story that represent this struggle. Another is the Bhagavad Gita. Where Arjuna is the warrior who must find his courage.

We are writing our story by working through this challenge. We must find and conquer our demons so we can ascend and move into the light. It is the struggle we face along the way that serves as our work, our karma. In the video below, Brice recaps the day, helping us put into perspective the work that lay ahead.

So, we end the day as we have done for each day of the challenge. My journal has become my constant companion and confidant. I write that nightly entry, read for a while, then turn out the lights for the night.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet, the effects of the nightly ritual of lights out by 10pm. My sleep is a better quality and I wake more rested. That alone is worth joining the challenge.

I know we’re half way through, but you could still join the challenge, you’d only finish fifteen days later that most of us. There are those who have joined later and are finishing a bit later. It doesn’t matter. We all get there when we are meant to arrive.