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Day Twenty – Excuses Be Gone

Another Sunday, fun-day.

Brice chose Richard Simmons “Sweatin to the Oldies” as the Sunday exercise so we could have a little fun with the exercise portion of the challenge. She also selected this modality to bring to our attention the struggles we all have, and the excuses we make to avoid addressing our pain.

Richard Simmons was born with a foot deformities. At one point in his life he was also overweight. He could have very easily used these obstacles as excuses to live in his pain. But instead, he chose to overcome his deformities, and to address the weight by creating what became a successful exercise platform.

We are two thirds of the way through the challenge. We are working through many obstacles, whether it be emotional, physical, or in come cases environmental or social. I find the social aspect to be a great challenge.

We all have a lot going on in our lives. Some have families with young children, others may be taking care of their senior parents. We have careers and many of us volunteer our time to charities. All in addition to our daily chores and “honey-do-lists”. These are all perfect reasons to set aside the self and focus on others, right?

No, wrong. At least not if we want to heal old wounds. All of these obstacles are part of “our work”. We could use the obstacles as an excuse to quit or we can overcome them and use them as a conduit to our healing.

No more excuses. I continue moving forward. As do those who are taking on the Shadow Work Challenge. We rise early in the morning, tackle the ego and set it straight. We work through whatever modality of exercise we choose each day. We meditate, take cold showers and work through our regular daily schedules.

We end our day with our journal and lights out at 10pm.

We have so much to learn in this life. Lessons we need to learn so we can move onward and upward. We have all been given a great opportunity to educate ourselves through this challenge. I hope more people will see the value in this lesson and join us in the 30 Day Shadow Work Challenge.