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Day Twenty-Four – Being Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

It was a busy day for me today. I cooked breakfast for my family. We were a party of 18. I love to get together with my family. It is the only day of the year that we are all able to come together and share a meal.

I was up extra early this morning to be sure I got in my workout before the fun began. This was a new experience for me. Before the Shadow Work Challenge, I never got up early to workout. So, today I’m expanding my horizons, yet, again. I was up extra early, finished my workout, took a shower (yes cold), and took some time to meditate.

Thanksgiving, for me, used to be a wonderful holiday. But over the last few years things have changed. I love to get together with my family, don’t get me wrong. So much has changed in recent years. From the lock-downs to people getting the flu, to relationships changing. Nothing is the same. I’m thankful for breakfast where everyone was lighthearted and full of joy. But I need to work to bring the joy back to the dinner meal.

As I return the conversation back to the Challenge, I have to be honest. We had a great breakfast. And dinner was nice. I entertained two of my sister’s, my brother-in-law, one of my daughter’s and my mom. I am grateful to have been able to be in such good company. But I miss the days where I had twenty plus for dinner. What a crew we were.

So, tonight I sit with the emotion that I believe Brice was talking about in the video above.

In the early evening hours, after I cleaned up the kitchen, I sat quietly in my dimly lit living room. My thoughts returned to earlier in the day as I reflected on those who didn’t make it for dinner. My mind began to whirl, to go off on a tangent, creating reasons why they might not have wanted to enjoy the meal with us. Of course, I know the reasons I came up with aren’t real. My ego was playing tricks on me again. Thanks to our conversations through the challenge, I am now able to recognize the little tricks the ego plays.

I ended my evening, with my journal, and then sat down to continue reading The Hathor Material”. And surprisingly, I was able to turn out the lights at Ten.

Another day, and many lessons later, The Shadow Work Challenge is still part of my routine.