Gigartina Red Marine Algae

When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I spent many hours researching how I might regulate my thyroid without taking medication. I was determined to get my thyroid under control. I guess that’s the “type A” in me. I eliminated gluten, soy, and dairy from my diet. In addition to that, I began taking Red Marine Algae first thing in the morning, before eating breakfast.

  • GROW YOUR IMMUNITY: Gigartina Red Marine Algae supports a healthier you all year long by helping to strengthen your immune system.
  • FROM THE SEA: Red Marine Algae, or RMA, is one of the richest sources of complex sugars, called sulfated polysaccharides, that naturally help ward off sickness.
  • FOR YOU, THE BEST: Gigartina is the result of rigorous research to find the most potent immune-supporting strain of RMA.
  • SIMPLE AND CLEAN: We want to fit into your lifestyle. Our formula is non-GMO, plant-based, and free of gluten, dairy, and soy.
  • TRUTH, TRUST, AND TRANSPARENCY: You deserve to know exactly what’s in your supplement. That’s why we list every last ingredient.