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Shadow Work Challenge – Day Two

Day 2 started out with a little Ashtanga nurse. That would be Ashtanga yoga. Yes, yoga.

Okay, so this was challenging. If you’ve never done yoga, this could be the thing that makes you turn and run. Please don’t. You can’t quit. This is the conversation I had with myself this morning.

Then I tortured myself for five minutes with a cold shower. The cold shower is supposed to help with inflammation.

If you’d like a glimpse of the 20 minute yoga video, you can see it here.

In today’s video, Brice discusses yoga with Emmie. She shares with us the “real” yoga. And the struggles that come with the practice. This morning I worked through the above practice with Ashtanga Nurse. I must admit it was a challenge. Not having done ashtanga yoga before, I found myself stiff and clumsy. But I’m not quitting. I’ will finish this challenge.

We are bound to come up against a wall on occasion. There is so much to learn from this challenge. You can learn about day two here.

I hope you will consider joining us in this challenge. Cold shower and all. We can all learn something from this process. I look forward to the shadow work.

You should join us.