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Day 3 – Shadow Work Challenge

Ok, here we go. Day three.

Today we were given a new challenge.

How many of you have ever done kickboxing. I must admit I never have. What a workout. I can’t say it is something I want to do on a regular basis. Not sure why. I guess I’ll have to sit with it and see what comes up. Many of those working the challenge with me really enjoyed kickboxing. Take a look below and see if it works for you.

In today’s video, Brice talks about how some people hurt comes up as anger. This is where the kickboxing will come in handy. We’re all different so we react to anger differently. I hat to admit it, but when I get mad or angry, I cry.

No matter. We’re all working through the shadow work together. It’s amazing how wonderful my challenge peeps are. They are supportive of of the tears and are willing to share their experience which makes it easier to share and is an incentive to each of us to keep going.

We are all learning to journal during this challenge. It isn’t always easy to write down what we feel. But I’m doing it.

I hope you’ll join us. You can start the challenge anytime.