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Continued Poisoning

So, for those of you who have no idea what’s going on, I suggest you watch the video below. Teymara has given us all, much to consider.

For years I’ve been speaking about the poisons we’ve been subjected to. From Chemtrails to poisoning our water supply. From Weather warfare to GMO foods. The powers that be have doing everything in their power to take us down.

The initial intent, I believe, is to make us sick. They make the population sick so they can pump pharmaceduicals’s into our bodies, until we’ve been so complacent that we forget to ask, “is this good for me?”

Many people are in this state of existing. Please take the time to watch this video and start asking questions.

Open your eyes and start to research everything you hear. No matter where it comes from.

It really is time to wake up. Before it’s too late.