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Staying Power – Day Ten

We’re at day ten. a third of the way through the challenge…

Not that I’m counting.

Today we did the kickboxing. Yes, I did kickboxing instead of the Barre. Maybe just to prove a point. I still don’t feel a connection. Maybe it’s because I’m a lover not a fighter. It didn’t bring up any emotions for me. Again, I will revisit the kickboxing on occasion to see what happens.

I haven’t talked much about meditation. But that too has been part of our daily routine. Get up at five am, exercise, take a cold shower, then meditate. Or listen to the sound bowl healing. I know some people have been triggered by the OM meditation. I find it soothing. The sound bowl healing is peaceful too. Maybe there is something wrong with me. You can listen to the video which I placed below.

In today’s video, Brice went into a little more detail about how our emotions can trigger our food choices. We’ve been eating our last meal before 7pm. And we don;t snack after 7pm. This allows our digestive system to rest for at least 12 hours before breakfast. It’s amazing how much energy I wake up with when I have that twelve hour break. It makes it easier to exercise too.

I’m also surprised at how easy it has been to adjust to the meal/snack rule.

We continue with the journal, the meditating, and exercise. Today we were to reach out to someone we know and like that we lost touch with. Just a short text. It felt good to connect to a childhood friend who I haven’t seen in years.

We are drinking our 64 ounces of and finish our day with a hot bath before bed. No electronics one hour before bed. That means 9pm. Lights out at 10pm.

That in itself is a challenge.