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Day Twelve – Shadow Work and Global Energy

I’ve talked about energy in many past posts. Today as we review day twelve we will learn more about the global energy that affects all of us. So much has been going on in the world in the last few year. Many people are watching the storm unfold, while others are not aware of what is going on. That aside we will focus on how that energy affects us without realizing it.

There are many ways to look at our energy. Brice reviews the Doshas today, showing us how they not only affect our moods, but how our bodies process food. I’m a Vata, Pita. I sometimes forget to eat. I have energy stores that keep me going from the start of a project until I finish. My frame is small and my limbs are slender.

When we look at the food according to the Doshas we see how we should eat the foods opposite the Dosha we identify with. Brice explains this better in the video below.

Today is our day of rest. A day to reflect on the week. At least as far as exercise goes. Today we researched the chakra system. We have 7 chakras within our body. They run from the root chakra to the crown chakra. The video below is a short explanation of each chakra, where in the body they are located and their function.

Brice provides a link to a 60 minute chakra meditation within the Shadow Work Challenge should you decide to join the challenge. Today we meditate and read. Learning about our chakra system and how it functions.

Finally, we finish our day with our journal, a quiet evening then to be by ten pm. Another day down. Eighteen days remaining in the challenge. And a lifetime to continue the shadow work.

You can still join. It’s never to late to grow and learn.