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Day Twenty-Eight

I know I keep saying, “I have learned so much during this challenge”. I keep saying it, because it’s true. Everyday I learn something or have the opportunity to go back and revisit something I didn’t have the chance to do a deep dive into.

In today’s video, Brice gave people the opportunity to “be her guest” on Solutions by Aquarious Rising Africa. This gave some of the participants of the Challenge to share their experience with others.

No, I’m not one of the participants who shared. I’m still working a j.o.b. so I couldn’t take the time off on short notice, to share. I feel like I’ve been doing that here, all month. I hope you all found value in the sharing. Maybe it brought you to join the challenge.

As we get closer to the end of the month we are continuing to challenge ourselves. Now, as we get closer to day thirty, we find our biggest challenge yet, comes to the surface. It’s time to create our challenge for December. December’s challenge will be created by each individual participant. We are on our own for the month.

I will continue to exercise. My plan is to do an hour of Ashtanga Yoga at “dark thirty” (really early in the am), then 30 minutes of core exercises. I’m thinking I will add the Barre on Sundays, in addition to yoga. I will continue with the meditation after my practice. Yes, the cold shower stays. I will read one book a week, to expand my knowledge. I’m hoping to share what I learn on this platform. Going to bed before ten pm has served me well, so I will keep that too. I’m also doing the Yoga intensive with Brice so I’m reading the Yoga Sutras. I think that pretty much fills up my time for the month of December.

I’m another day closer to day thirty which I will end with my 28th journal entry. Then lights out. I end this day, thankful for all I’ve learned, and thankful for all the people I’ve met.