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Day Eleven – The Window Of Truth – Illusion

Continuing on. I’ve made it to day eleven.

Pain is coming up for many of us. Shoulders, knees, hips, elbows, any place in the body. Many of those who have taken on this challenge are saying the pain is very real. We are all working to figure out what that pain means. We’re digging deep to find the source of that pain.

One of the things Brice asked us to do yesterday was to connect with someone we lost touch with. Apparently, some participants contacted people they had previously eliminated from their life. Those people who were toxic to them. I didn’t think to do that. I’m glad I didn’t.

However, once the conversation began, it made me realize that even though I didn’t contact someone toxic, there was someone that fit the description, who in recent years I had cut ties with, so I could heal from such toxicity. It also made me realize that I hadn’t completely cut that tie.

It’s amazing how the universe works. For the last two and a half years I’ve been working to free myself from such a relationship. While I’m not going to share any information about that relationship, I will say that it was a long lasting one that left me broken and brought me to a place that I never thought I would see. Today as Brice spoke about toxic relationships, I realized I still had some unfinished business of which to address.

When I say it’s amazing how the universe works, I’m speaking of how time and space prepares a path that allows us to find the strength to work through anything. I will admit it wasn’t me who set the ball in motion, that would finally close the door to this relationship.

But I’m glad the ball is rolling. It is a scary thing, to confront years of toxicity after having such a peaceful reprieve. But I know the peace will be short lived if I don’t follow through with closing the door. I have found some solace in knowing that I am strong, and have truth on my side. I know that I can finally close the the door that will free me from that which has plagued me for 20 years.

So, we move on, learning from our decisions. We address the pain and heal. The healing will bring with it a peace and joy that will lift us all to our ascension. Where we will finally release the pain we chose to live through.

On day eleven we continue our journey. Journal, meditation, exercise, and continued lessons that bring knowledge and understanding while showing us how strong and compassionate we can be to ourselves. This challenge is teaching us all lessons we didn’t know we needed to learn.

I hope you will look at this opportunity and begin. It’s never to late to grow.

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Staying Power – Day Ten

We’re at day ten. a third of the way through the challenge…

Not that I’m counting.

Today we did the kickboxing. Yes, I did kickboxing instead of the Barre. Maybe just to prove a point. I still don’t feel a connection. Maybe it’s because I’m a lover not a fighter. It didn’t bring up any emotions for me. Again, I will revisit the kickboxing on occasion to see what happens.

I haven’t talked much about meditation. But that too has been part of our daily routine. Get up at five am, exercise, take a cold shower, then meditate. Or listen to the sound bowl healing. I know some people have been triggered by the OM meditation. I find it soothing. The sound bowl healing is peaceful too. Maybe there is something wrong with me. You can listen to the video which I placed below.

In today’s video, Brice went into a little more detail about how our emotions can trigger our food choices. We’ve been eating our last meal before 7pm. And we don;t snack after 7pm. This allows our digestive system to rest for at least 12 hours before breakfast. It’s amazing how much energy I wake up with when I have that twelve hour break. It makes it easier to exercise too.

I’m also surprised at how easy it has been to adjust to the meal/snack rule.

We continue with the journal, the meditating, and exercise. Today we were to reach out to someone we know and like that we lost touch with. Just a short text. It felt good to connect to a childhood friend who I haven’t seen in years.

We are drinking our 64 ounces of and finish our day with a hot bath before bed. No electronics one hour before bed. That means 9pm. Lights out at 10pm.

That in itself is a challenge.

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Getting To The Bottom Of It – Day Nine

Kickboxing kicked my butt yesterday. So I was happy to find today was a little easier than yesterday.

So, today I picked the Barre as my form of exercises. I’m finding That I gravitate more toward the Barre and the yoga. I chose the barre today because it’s a little easier than the yoga. Now that we’re more than a week in to the challenge, and we’ve had a number of exercise options to choose from, I’m discovering that although all of these options bring on the “burn”, I gravitate more toward Barre and yoga.

Brice would tell me to review or look inward to see why I chose certain exercise. Do the other options trigger something that keep me from wanting to work with those modalities? And I have done that. So far I’m not finding any triggers. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I’ll have to get back to you on that.

We continue to work with the food journal. Recording the foods that cause triggers within the body. We are learning to work with the Dosha system. I’m Mostly Vata, Pita, with very little Khappa. There is a lot to learn when it comes to the Doshas. What foods you should stay away from and what foods bring healing. I’m placing the video below so you can get a clearer understanding of the Ayurveda Dosha System.

In addition to learning about our diet, working with different exercise modalities, and dealing with emotions that come up as we make our way through our shadow work, we continue to explore our energy fields. Everyday is a learning experience.

There is never a dull moment. You’ll learn this as your shower turns cold for 5 minutes. And as you learn about taking a castor oil bath.

With so much to learn, how can you help but want to join us. It’s never too late.

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Day Eight – Soul Searching

We made it through the first week. Yay!

We’ve been journaling, exercising, meditating and learning about our bodies.

In the video below, Brice shares with us her perception of the body as an information highway. We feel pain, we learn from that pain, we heal, then we begin again.

The physical pain is actually emotional pain. This is something new for many of us. This is the shadow work. It is in working through the pain that we realize the shadow side of our self. It is where we truly begin to know who we are and what we a re capable of. The manifestation of pain is how our body tells us that something needs attention. Whether it be from emotional trauma, or physical ailment, our body is telling us “look here”, “address this pain”, “learn from this”.

Our physical body is a manifestation of our energy body, our soul. It is the 3 dimensional experience we agreed to have so we could better know who we are. We agreed to have these experiences so we could learn, grow, and ultimately return to source. It is by doing this work that we can ascend to that heavenly realm. That dimension where we will continue our journey to source.

Some who are new to my platform may be shaking their head. You may think I’m crazy. I assure you, I’m not. There is much scientific evidence to back up much of what I share. This challenge is a way for me to share with you the information that backs up much of what I say.

So, today we focus on addressing the pain and friction that will release all the old blocked energy. We look at the suffering we create so we can learn what pain is. So re can learn that the matrix we live in is a manifestation of our three dimensional reality.

There’s only one way out of this dimension. Shadow work. It is by experiencing the work that we will know and be who we are. It is where we experience our soul self.

There is beauty in pain when the pain is experienced as a means of growth and healing.

It’s still not to late to jump on the Shadow Work Challenge train.

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Addressing Anger – Day Seven

Anger can become a big part of shadow work. Exercising can bring up emotions that have been dormant for years. In some cases, lifetimes. When we start shifting energy in our body, we could trigger these emotions. This is what is meant by shadow work. Sometimes these emotions manifest through pain in the body. Maybe I should say that the pain triggers the emotions. Some people experience these emotions as sadness, depression, anxiety, or anger, to name a few. Today we are addressing the emotion of anger, and how to manage it in a healthy manner.

On day three of the challenge, we were provided with a kickboxing option. Part of the reason for this option was so those who find anger coming up in the shadow work, can work through that anger by putting that energy into a form of exercise that allows for a release of tension and anger.

So, we have experienced Barre, Yoga, Dance, and Kickboxing as forms of exercise. We are growing. We continue to write in our journal. Learning more about the Doshas and how we can heal through not only exercise, but food too.

If you want to learn more about yourself and how you can be a better you, this challenge is a good way to find out who you are and what makes you tick. I’m glad I decided to step up and look within. There is much opportunity for growth in this challenge. You can still join. It’s never too late.

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Sweatin To The Oldies – Day Six

Day six is Sunday fun-day. Brice chose Richard Simmons as an exercise today to lighten up the energy. I don’t mean to say that the exercise earlier in the week were heavy. But they were more focused. There’s nothing like dancing to lift the spirit. Richard Simmons is a perfect way to get you smiling while enjoying the “burn”. It’s also a way to learn to love the work for the sake of the work.

Brice reminds us of the Bhagavad Gita and the lesson we receive in that writing. That being, learning to love the work for the sake of the work not for the fruits of the labor. Richard Simmons “Sweatin To The Oldies” is a good example of how you can enjoy the work for the sake of the work.

We are on day six of the challenge, and learning how to address the pain that comes up. We are learning the the pain we experience through exercise, such as shoulder pain, knee pain or hip pain, is our body trying to tell us something. It is when we focus on the pain that we learn who we are. The pain we experience might be our bodies detoxing from old energy. I’ve talked in past posts about energy. We talked about how are bodies are nothing but energy. That energy can get blocked, trapped in our bodies causing dis-ease and discomfort. Exercise is one way to force that energy to come to come to the surface. It’s one way to work out the kinks so the energy can flow through the body the way in which it was meant.

We continue to work through this energy. Making note of it. Where do you feel the pain, how intense it is, and how long has it been affecting your mobility. It’s a never ending task.

The journal is a good way to keep track of this energy pattern. We still work to record our eating habits and write about how the challenge is affecting our daily life.

You can watch the video above to learn more about the Shadow Work Challenge. It’s not to late to join us.

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Shadow Work and Your Energy – Day 5

Here we are, day five. This will be our rest day as relates to the exercise portion of the challenge.

Saturday is the day of the planet Saturn. God created the planet of Saturn, the planet of Karma. Father time, matrix. We need to use our energy to return these things back to God. There fore Saturday is the rest day or day of reflection in yoga.

So today we rest, and reflect on the prior week. We sit with the energy that is shifting. This energy will bring many things to the surface. Saturday is the day to sit with that energy and work through whatever comes up.

You can watch the video below to learn more about not only what Brice talks about as relates to Saturn and many other topics, such as ego and the matrix.

The day is a rest from exercise, but not a day of learning. We use this day this week to reflect on the Doshas, the holistic science of Ayurveda. By studying the Doshas we will better understand food, energy and the times of day in our bodies. It’s amazing how much sense this makes. You can learn more about the Dosha’s below.

Moving forward we will be adding a food journal to the journal we started at the beginning of the challenge. By doing this we will be able to see how foods affect us. Surprisingly, what you eat can effect your anxiety levels, and even depression. That’s just a start.

This challenge is turning out to be more than just challenging our bodies. We will be challenging our minds too.

I hope you can join the challenge. Remember, it doesn’t matter when you join. you can start any time. Why not now? There’s no time like the present.

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Day Four – Shadow Work Challenge

Much pain coming….

Brice will tell you about this in the video below.

Today we learn about the reality of pain and ego death. We have so much to learn about who we are. This challenge is one way for us to address the existence of our eternal soul.

For those that don’t share the views mentioned here, please be respectful of the rest of us as we learn more about the possibilities that exist. We incarnate into this 3D world many times to learn. We create a contract to give us the opportunity to learn from the journey.

Listen to the video below to learn more.

We have so much to learn about our bodies, our souls and the Karma we must work through during this lifetime. The video above is a long one, but the information Brice and Steph share will help you better understand the Mysore room and the experience you might have while working with the instructor.

This challenge is offering the opportunity for each of us to grow and learn. It is offering us the information that can help us expand our knowledge and work through and heal the energy in our bodies.

I hope you will consider doing this challenge. It’s never to late to start.

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Day 3 – Shadow Work Challenge

Ok, here we go. Day three.

Today we were given a new challenge.

How many of you have ever done kickboxing. I must admit I never have. What a workout. I can’t say it is something I want to do on a regular basis. Not sure why. I guess I’ll have to sit with it and see what comes up. Many of those working the challenge with me really enjoyed kickboxing. Take a look below and see if it works for you.

In today’s video, Brice talks about how some people hurt comes up as anger. This is where the kickboxing will come in handy. We’re all different so we react to anger differently. I hat to admit it, but when I get mad or angry, I cry.

No matter. We’re all working through the shadow work together. It’s amazing how wonderful my challenge peeps are. They are supportive of of the tears and are willing to share their experience which makes it easier to share and is an incentive to each of us to keep going.

We are all learning to journal during this challenge. It isn’t always easy to write down what we feel. But I’m doing it.

I hope you’ll join us. You can start the challenge anytime.

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Shadow Work Challenge – Day Two

Day 2 started out with a little Ashtanga nurse. That would be Ashtanga yoga. Yes, yoga.

Okay, so this was challenging. If you’ve never done yoga, this could be the thing that makes you turn and run. Please don’t. You can’t quit. This is the conversation I had with myself this morning.

Then I tortured myself for five minutes with a cold shower. The cold shower is supposed to help with inflammation.

If you’d like a glimpse of the 20 minute yoga video, you can see it here.

In today’s video, Brice discusses yoga with Emmie. She shares with us the “real” yoga. And the struggles that come with the practice. This morning I worked through the above practice with Ashtanga Nurse. I must admit it was a challenge. Not having done ashtanga yoga before, I found myself stiff and clumsy. But I’m not quitting. I’ will finish this challenge.

We are bound to come up against a wall on occasion. There is so much to learn from this challenge. You can learn about day two here.

I hope you will consider joining us in this challenge. Cold shower and all. We can all learn something from this process. I look forward to the shadow work.

You should join us.