Healthy Diet Thu, 01 Dec 2022 21:24:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Shadow Work and Your Energy – Day 5 Sat, 05 Nov 2022 19:13:00 +0000 Here we are, day five. This will be our rest day as relates to the exercise portion of the challenge.

Saturday is the day of the planet Saturn. God created the planet of Saturn, the planet of Karma. Father time, matrix. We need to use our energy to return these things back to God. There fore Saturday is the rest day or day of reflection in yoga.

So today we rest, and reflect on the prior week. We sit with the energy that is shifting. This energy will bring many things to the surface. Saturday is the day to sit with that energy and work through whatever comes up.

You can watch the video below to learn more about not only what Brice talks about as relates to Saturn and many other topics, such as ego and the matrix.

The day is a rest from exercise, but not a day of learning. We use this day this week to reflect on the Doshas, the holistic science of Ayurveda. By studying the Doshas we will better understand food, energy and the times of day in our bodies. It’s amazing how much sense this makes. You can learn more about the Dosha’s below.

Moving forward we will be adding a food journal to the journal we started at the beginning of the challenge. By doing this we will be able to see how foods affect us. Surprisingly, what you eat can effect your anxiety levels, and even depression. That’s just a start.

This challenge is turning out to be more than just challenging our bodies. We will be challenging our minds too.

I hope you can join the challenge. Remember, it doesn’t matter when you join. you can start any time. Why not now? There’s no time like the present.

Day 3 – Shadow Work Challenge Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:21:23 +0000 Ok, here we go. Day three.

Today we were given a new challenge.

How many of you have ever done kickboxing. I must admit I never have. What a workout. I can’t say it is something I want to do on a regular basis. Not sure why. I guess I’ll have to sit with it and see what comes up. Many of those working the challenge with me really enjoyed kickboxing. Take a look below and see if it works for you.

In today’s video, Brice talks about how some people hurt comes up as anger. This is where the kickboxing will come in handy. We’re all different so we react to anger differently. I hat to admit it, but when I get mad or angry, I cry.

No matter. We’re all working through the shadow work together. It’s amazing how wonderful my challenge peeps are. They are supportive of of the tears and are willing to share their experience which makes it easier to share and is an incentive to each of us to keep going.

We are all learning to journal during this challenge. It isn’t always easy to write down what we feel. But I’m doing it.

I hope you’ll join us. You can start the challenge anytime.

Shadow Work Challenge Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:00:00 +0000 I began to question everything about my health, in 2016 when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

It was the worst and best day of my life. I thought I was healthy. I never thought to look at my weight or eating habits. The day I was diagnosed however, I stopped to consider how my life had progressed. My eating habits were terrible. I had migraines all the time. I used Excederine, migraine, Tylenol sinus and a bottle of coke to ease the pressure. That worked for a while but it took it”s toll on my stomach. And my thyroid.

I ate fast food, once or twice a week. And without even thinking about it I went from a size 3 to a size 7 pants. All this happened over a period of years. I was unhappy and never stopped to consider why.

So, the Hashimotos diagnosis was really a life saver. It didn’t happen over night, but over time I’ve learned how to live a better life.

Today, I’m continuing the lessons. I’m joining Brice Watson as she offers up a 30 day challenge to those who want to do their “shadow work”.

If you’re not familiar with the term “shadow work”, then let me help you understand. Some of you may not subscribe to this mindset, and that’s okay. You can let go of what doesn’t resonate with you, and politely read the post while being respectful to those who find value in what I write.

We are all born into this 3D matrix by our design. We plan out the lessons we want to learn. We participate in a soul contract whereby we will experience ideas, places, and lesson so our soul can grow and learn. We come into this world in a state of amnesia, which gives us the opportunity to experience this life without prejudice.

Included in this decent into 3D, is the memory of all that is experienced in all our incarnations. Those memories and experiences, which we agreed to, now leave a shadow on our soul. This is our shadow work. We listen to our body, we experience pain and heal it so our soul can move up and we can complete the lessons.

While this is only a summary of how I see the idea of shadow work, it is a starting point. Anyone who wishes to join us on this journey can do so by contacting Brice at

I am excited to uncover and bring into the light that which has remained hidden. That which is keeping me from moving to the next phase of my life.

Continued Poisoning Fri, 04 Feb 2022 17:41:00 +0000 So, for those of you who have no idea what’s going on, I suggest you watch the video below. Teymara has given us all, much to consider.

For years I’ve been speaking about the poisons we’ve been subjected to. From Chemtrails to poisoning our water supply. From Weather warfare to GMO foods. The powers that be have doing everything in their power to take us down.

The initial intent, I believe, is to make us sick. They make the population sick so they can pump pharmaceduicals’s into our bodies, until we’ve been so complacent that we forget to ask, “is this good for me?”

Many people are in this state of existing. Please take the time to watch this video and start asking questions.

Open your eyes and start to research everything you hear. No matter where it comes from.

It really is time to wake up. Before it’s too late.

Healing Hashimotos with Herbs Fri, 12 Feb 2021 22:18:00 +0000

I’ve been living with Hashimotos for five years now. I’ve been able to manage it naturally. Are you surprised?

One thing we all need to remember is, the drug companies are in business for one reason and one reason only. To make money. They make it sound like they have your best interest at heart, but nothing could be further from the truth.

It is for that reason that I was determined to heal my thyroid. If you’ve been following my story, you’ll know I did just that in one month. When I share that with you, it is not to soothe my ego. It is only to show you that it can be done.

Having said that, I was basically healthy when I was diagnosed. Of course, I was overweight, and didn’t eat right. And I didn’t exercise either. Outside of that I was healthy. I wasn’t on any medications, so I wasn’t working with having to heal multiple conditions or diseases.

You all know that I changed my eating habits and cleansed my body of all the junk I had been ingesting for years. But I also looked to natural remedies. Herbal remedies in particular. Herbs ae a much safer alternative and provide better result in healing. Below you can see some of the herbs that you can use to assist in healing your hormonal health.

Selenium is a natural supplement that is essential to thyroid health. Our bodies needs selenium to build enzymes and selenium helps to removes substances that can harm the thyroid. You can find selenium in Brazil nuts and dairy products.

Magnesium can be found in leafy greens such as broccoli, spinach, and kale. Magnesium is necessary for growing bones, balancing blood sugar levels, synthesizing critical proteins, and aids natural sleep. Some say you should stay away from the Brassicas, but I’ve had no issues with them

Schisandra  berry is an effective traditional Chinese medicine. You can find it in the form of supplemental powders that you can mix in any food or drink. It is good for an under-active or inactive thyroid and helps build immunity. It also normalizes your stress level.

Bladderwrack is high in iodine compared with other seaweed species. It is a good support for a healthy thyroid. It is also available in powder form

Ashwagandha Is one herb I keep in my arsenal of healing remedies. I find this to be a wonder supplement. It has the potential to normalize TSH levels while increasing the T4 levels. This herb is rated as one of the best natural supplements with its antioxidant properties. It fights free radicals reduce oxidative stress. The root of the herb contains virtually all the active compounds. You can an as well access it in powder form.

Cayenne pepper Capsaicin is the chemical property that gives Cayenne pepper its spicy kick, This plays a key role in treating Hashimoto’s disease. It’s effective in restoring the regular production of thyroid hormones. It also reduces pain and improves blood circulation.

Kelp is effective enough to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Kelp also contains amino acids, minerals, necessary vitamins, and more. All essentials needed in the body. It is an active counter and best thyroid supplement for weight loss.

The herbs I mentioned above are not the only herbs good for treating Hashimotos. Holy Basil (Tulsi) along with others work wonders to help manage Hashimotos. I’m not a doctor and would never tell you what you should take to heal your thyroid. Do your research and talk to your health care provider to see what might be the best option, for you.

Healing Energy Sat, 10 Oct 2020 23:08:00 +0000 Living with Hashimotos has it’s challenges. While I learned early on what I needed to eliminate from my diet, I’ve had moments where I missed something.

But time is an excellent healer. I sense healing throughout my body. My weight has remained consistent, even though I’ve introduced most natural foods back into my diet. The nodules on my thyroid are gone. I have energy and can still focus.

I try to only eat food I prepare. Unfortunately sometimes my schedule isn’t conducive to meal preparation. On occasion I have purchased a box of crackers or other snack that indicates it’s soy free. Only to find out that in fine print the product was processed in a plant that process soy.

My body knows. The reaction is temporary. But it’s inconvenient.

Life is getting better. I don’t have to be so strict with whole foods, as I did early on. I feel healing. Some people may believe that once your body is damaged, it can’t be fixed. I believe the opposite.

I’ve introduced into my life the idea that we are all energy. I’m learning more about our matrix and how we’ve been tricked to believe everything we’ve been told about health. Those who have control over medicine, media and education are doing their best to brainwash us to believe we must do as they say to be healthy. When in reality their goal is to make us sick and more dependent on their drugs. Putting humanity into a tailspin where we crash in poverty. Draining our resources and leaving us with nothing.

After researching and studying the mechanics of the human body, our cellular make up, and the polarity we experience, I’ve come to realize that through science, the statement is accurate. We are all energy. And energy can neither be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Nikola Tesla knew this.

So, if the energy that is our thyroid can manifest Hashimotos, it can certainly transform that negative energy that manifests as Hashimotos, to a healthy thyroid. I believe that is why I’ve been able to live without medication. I believe my thyroid is healthy. So it is.

I’m going to post more on how our energy, which is influenced by the environment and our thoughts can manifest in our bodies to either create dis-ease or to heal it.

I hope you will all remain open minded and share as I continue my journey to live healthy with Hashimotos.

Healthy Relationships Wed, 09 Sep 2020 23:09:00 +0000 In 2017 I met a wonderful group of ladies. We connected through a online group that promoted the lesson of miraculous living. At the time I had no idea where the lesson would lead.

Today, I realize the best miracle is the miracle of friendship. We met in 2017. It’s now 2020 and we continue to connect every Wednesday on Zoom. We make a point to discuss the positive things that have occurred during the week. We support each other in prayer, by offering up those intentions that we each need to see in our lives.

I’ve come to realize that we can spend a lifetime surrounded by people, yet we may never really make connections. And in a flash, there are those who are drawn to each other through space and time to connect on a level so deep, it is a though they share energy. These ladies are those who I feel a connection that helps me to be the best me, I can be. I hope I offer the same to each of them.

I mention this connection because I know how lonely life can be. I remember sitting in my house, watching movies or reading. All while being alone. Yes I’m married, but that relationship is not true. I don’t say that to talk bad about my spouse, but to share the idea that sometimes even those who are supposed to be our “best friend” end up being strangers we live with. Those are things we all need to work through. Things we all need to come to terms with and resolve.

Part of healing from trauma is recognizing when things in our life aren’t right. Yes, there are always signs, but often times we push away those signs because it’s too uncomfortable to address them.

I look back on my diagnosis of Hashimotos, and through fresh eyes see another side to why I manifested it. Yes, on a subconscious level, I manifested it. Let me explain.

I’ve always been someone who wants to help others. Often times to my detriment. I never say “no” to anyone. I never tell anyone how I feel, or what I need. Now I know it’s because my throat chakra has been blocked. This block manifested in the form of a thyroid condition. This condition would require medication for the rest of my life.

Thankfully I was smart enough, awake enough to know that the pharmaceudical industry didn’t have our best interest at heart. You know the rest of that story.

My situation, where I was alone and didn’t share what I needed, where I had no friends, caused my body to react. In my determination to heal myself, I found my peeps. They may not be local, but they are there for me, and I’m there for them. We meet over tea once a week and connect daily sometimes through a private facebook group. They have helped me grow and learn more about who I am, and helped me to realize my dreams. I’m grateful for each of them.

If you’re in a place where you feel lonely and have no one to confide in, remember, there is always hope. When you need it most, and you’re open and willing to receive, you will make those connections. Keep leaning in to the healing process.

Highs and lows of Hashimoto’s Fri, 10 Jul 2020 23:10:00 +0000 I’ve been sharing information about my journey with Hashimoto’s for a while. The information I’ve shared in prior posts has been information that put me on the road to healing.

I don’t want you to think the road I travel is always a bed of roses. On the contrary, it has been a rough ride. The highs and lows of living with Hashimoto’s is a challenge. I have months where everything goes well, then I sabotage myself. I watch those around me eating chocolate cake and potato chips. I see everyone laughing and enjoying the party or life itself, thinking that what they eat makes them smile, and laugh.

My true self knows that’s not the case, however, my ego says, “You can be happy if you eat and drink like them.” So, I listen to that “false self” and tell myself that one piece won’t hurt. A few chips won’t make me sick. I’ll be fine.

Then it happens. Once I eat the forbidden foods, I eat more of them. I tell myself I feel fine and think “Maybe I really don’t have Hashimoto’s.” Well, not true.

In the last year, I’ve lived the scene above more than once. The good thing about falling off the wagon is you can get back up there and start again.

So I have a confession to make. I’ve recently lived the scene I mentioned above. I’m now reaping the reward of such behavior. The tired exhausted feeling, and not being able to focus are slowly returning. At first, I was going to give up, say forget it, I don’t care anymore. It’s just too much.

But the universe has something else planned for me. I can’t give up.

I have a friend who recently found out she has an autoimmune disorder. It’s not Hashimoto’s, but none the less, it’s autoimmune. Everything I’ve read about autoimmune diseases tells me that changing the way you eat can put that condition into remission.

Now I’m back on the wagon, with my friend at my side. We have a plan. While I know what I’ve done in the past has worked, I’m not doing this just for me. My friend needs to shed some extra weight. I could stand to lose a little, but she wants to get rid of the extra pounds that have left her feeling a little self-conscious. So we’re trying something different.

I thought it might be nice to share the journey with you. I can’t divulge the personal information of my friend, but I can share my experience and maybe some of the non-personal information of my friend.

So we begin today. We will work together, hold each other accountable in our lives. Not just weight loss, but overall health. We will check in with each other when we feel weak and when we have wins to celebrate. Much of what I’m sharing with her are things I have already incorporated into my life. So, I’m thinking it should work. We are going to find out.

Today we start with green tea and a protein shake as I usually do. Some of the ingredients I’ve altered. Lunch and dinner will be similar to my prior routine. Salmon and sweet potatoes for lunch and chicken and veggies for dinner.

This journey is one that I hope will be of value to others. My goal is to share the experience and let you all know how we’re doing. I hope you will follow this journey with me. I’m giving it 21 days to start. What we’re doing is untested (at least other than myself) so I don’t want to commit to this being a “Program” but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to share what we learn along the way. If you’d like to take the journey with us, post in the comments and we’ll try to make it happen. Wish us luck.

Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes Fri, 12 Jun 2020 23:58:00 +0000 Yield: 2 large potatoes, serves 2

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: about 40 to 45 minutes, or until tender and done


Sweet Potatoes
2 large or 3 medium/large sweet potatoes washed, peeled, and cut into chunks 
3 to 4 tablespoons honey
3 to 4 tablespoons coconut oil in a liquid state
1 tablespoon cinnamon, or to taste 
pinch salt and pepper, ginger, and nutmeg to taste

Creamy Honey-Cinnamon Dip
heaping 1/3 cup Coconut yogurt
1 teaspoon cinnamon,  


  1. Preheat oven to 400F. Coat baking sheet with coconut oil.
  2. Sweet Potatoes – slice potatoes into 1-inch chunks
  3. Add potatoes, honey, oil, cinnamon, optional salt, and pepper to taste, add optional seasonings to Ziplock bag and seal bag, and toss potatoes to coat. Make sure potatoes are coated completely.
  4. Using your hands, transfer potatoes to baking tray, arranged in a single flat layer, and not touching, if possible.
  5. Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes, remove from oven and flip potatoes over using tongs.
  6. Add remaining marinade, lightly and evenly over potatoes.

Creamy Honey-Cinnamon Dip – Add all dip ingredients to a small bowl and whisk until smooth and combined.

Serve with your favorite Chicken or Salmon recipe.

Who Has Hashimoto’s? Tue, 26 May 2020 21:29:00 +0000 It’s been almost four years since I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It was a realization that changed my life. Before I was diagnosed, I ate everything and anything. I ate bread like it was going out of style. Cheese was something I couldn’t do without and ring dings were a mainstay. I never thought food would be the catalyst for the destruction of my thyroid.

You may read these words and think it’s impossible. But I assure you nothing could be further from the truth. We all know the phrase, “You are what you eat.” That being the case there was nothing natural about my being. Most of what I ate was processed in one form or another. My eating habits were what drove me to the brink of what was near disaster.

I don’t think we often associate what we eat with how we feel. That is until we get physically sick. Unfortunately for me, it took years of eating “junk” before I felt the effects of such a lifestyle. Each year I got worse. I remember when I was twenty-nine years old, I went to the doctors with complaints of exhaustion and total body pain. My joints ached, I was unfocused and felt tired most of the time. The doctor diagnosed my condition as Fibromyalgia. That didn’t help the way I felt, it just gave me an excuse to feel the way I felt.

I moved through the next twenty years in a fog. My migraines got worse. I would dose them with sinus medication, Excedrin Migraine, and a bottle of coke. By the time this concoction made it through my system, I was nauseous, jittery, crabby and I didn’t sleep for two days. In the beginning, it made the pain of the migraine tolerable, but as time passed the headaches got worse and my makeshift meds, didn’t touch the pain. I couldn’t take traditional migraine medication, because I was hypersensitive and reacted to everything my doctor prescribed.

Not only did the pain of the fibro make it difficult to enjoy life, but the migraines made it nearly impossible. It took all I had to keep up with my two girls. Beyond that, I couldn’t focus or find enough energy to “have fun” or “enjoy life.”

I tell you this because most symptoms we experience can be a misdiagnosis for another condition, illness or disease. In my blog BLOG POST HERE, I list some of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s, some of which are confusion, numbness, exhaustion and total body aches and pains. Then there is weight gain and a feeling of desperation that steals away your joy.

My husband used to joke about my wearing socks and sweats to bed in July. Yes, I was cold all the time. Then there was the contest to see who could leave the most hair in the corners throughout the house, the dog or me.

Listen to me when I say, if you experience these symptoms, consider your thyroid as the source. Listen to your body. If you think something isn’t right, chances are something is wrong. Remember, your regular doctor can draw blood and send it off to the lab, but the results will not be accurate. Your TSH results may come back normal and yet your T3/T4 and antibodies could be out of control.

In the next few posts, I will be discussing more of what it means to live with Hashimoto’s and how it affects your life. I hope anyone who reads this series will share it with mothers, daughters, wives, husbands, and sons. Yes, that’s right, men are not immune from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Look at your children and consider the possibility that their behavior issues could be driven by their thyroid. We will discuss that possibility too.

I hope some of you will share your experience in the comments. Your story could help another to seek out and get diagnosed so they can start living again. In the next post I will talk about how, as Hashimoto’s gets worse, we become disassociated from the life we used to love. I hope you will read it.
