Healthy Living Wed, 07 Dec 2022 20:44:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Day Twenty-Four – Being Thankful Thu, 24 Nov 2022 19:23:09 +0000 Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

It was a busy day for me today. I cooked breakfast for my family. We were a party of 18. I love to get together with my family. It is the only day of the year that we are all able to come together and share a meal.

I was up extra early this morning to be sure I got in my workout before the fun began. This was a new experience for me. Before the Shadow Work Challenge, I never got up early to workout. So, today I’m expanding my horizons, yet, again. I was up extra early, finished my workout, took a shower (yes cold), and took some time to meditate.

Thanksgiving, for me, used to be a wonderful holiday. But over the last few years things have changed. I love to get together with my family, don’t get me wrong. So much has changed in recent years. From the lock-downs to people getting the flu, to relationships changing. Nothing is the same. I’m thankful for breakfast where everyone was lighthearted and full of joy. But I need to work to bring the joy back to the dinner meal.

As I return the conversation back to the Challenge, I have to be honest. We had a great breakfast. And dinner was nice. I entertained two of my sister’s, my brother-in-law, one of my daughter’s and my mom. I am grateful to have been able to be in such good company. But I miss the days where I had twenty plus for dinner. What a crew we were.

So, tonight I sit with the emotion that I believe Brice was talking about in the video above.

In the early evening hours, after I cleaned up the kitchen, I sat quietly in my dimly lit living room. My thoughts returned to earlier in the day as I reflected on those who didn’t make it for dinner. My mind began to whirl, to go off on a tangent, creating reasons why they might not have wanted to enjoy the meal with us. Of course, I know the reasons I came up with aren’t real. My ego was playing tricks on me again. Thanks to our conversations through the challenge, I am now able to recognize the little tricks the ego plays.

I ended my evening, with my journal, and then sat down to continue reading The Hathor Material”. And surprisingly, I was able to turn out the lights at Ten.

Another day, and many lessons later, The Shadow Work Challenge is still part of my routine.

Day Twenty-Three Looking Ahead Wed, 23 Nov 2022 20:04:04 +0000 What a year this has been. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and soon November will be a memory. Time seems to be speeding up to move us through the final phase of this astrological cycle. I have to say, I will be glad to see the shift. Even though we’re supposed to embrace the work.

This shadow Work Challenge has been a tool to help us do just that.

Have you noticed that the last couple years have been chaotic? If you haven’t, I’m not sure what planet you’re living on. So many people find their lives in turmoil. The scamdemic began what has became a means to mess with the world population. The elite had a plan to take us down. Their plan isn’t working.

I know there are still many people who aren’t “awake”. But the plan they had to depopulate the world, is backfiring on them. While they were forcing people to stay in their homes, people were using that time to do more than listen to the “programming ” forced through the airwaves. Many people used the “lockdown” time to learn who they really are.

We’ve spent time researching many of the “conspiracies” that are now proving to be true. This Shadow Work Challenge has given us another tool to be able to turn inward and break the programming by helping us find our inner truth.

As the month winds down, so too will this challenge. While we will be set free in December, many if not all of us will continue to work the challenge to continue growing and knowing.

I know Brice has intentions to present a 60 Shadow Work Challenge in January. I can only imagine how many people will participate. I think there are over 500 people participating in the November challenge. Wouldn’t it be wild if we end up being 500,000 participants in January? What do you think of that Brice? No pressure.

I’ve learned a lot about myself throughout this challenge. Interestingly enough, I’ve realized age is no obstacle. I’m no spring chicken, but I’ve been able to jump in and follow the challenge without issue. I mention this because as you read this, I want you to know that it doesn’t matter how old you are, You are never too old to work through this challenge.

When we were kids, the adults in our life, on occasion, would ask us what we want to be when we grow up. Some of us are pushing 60 (yep, I’m almost there) and we still don’t know what we want to be when we grow up. This challenge has presented me with some options to consider.

You are never too old to learn about your true self. You could be one of those old souls that is waiting to remember. You may be waiting to be prompted toward your Dharma.

Working through this Shadow Work Challenge has given me the courage to awaken and ascend. I’ll keep moving in that direction.

Letting Go – Day Twenty-One Mon, 21 Nov 2022 20:00:00 +0000 I can’t believe we’re already at the day 21 mark. Yes, the work has been hard, but it has also been rewarding.

I’ve learned many things about myself. I have always been a hard worker. But I have also neglected myself. I put others needs before my own. Because of this I never exercised, and I’ve not been concerned with what I eat. I eat well. Meaning I don’t eat junk food. When I was diagnosed with Hashimotos I addressed that. Now I eat mostly raw foods because I can’t be bothered to take the time to cook. On occasion I take a couple hours on a Sunday to prepare a root vegetable soup (my take on minestrone without beef broth), but outside of that I don’t plan meals.

Learning about the Doshas has helped me focus a little more on meal planning. I have a clearer understanding of how food effects the body and the emotions. It’s amazing how, when we stop to look at the big picture, everything falls into place. Food is energy, we are energy. It makes sense that we want the food we put in our bodies to match the vibration of our body. After all is is the expression of the soul.

I want that expression to match my soul purpose. So in addition to what I put in my body, I’m becoming more conscientious of moving my body. Each of the exercises Brice introduced through this challenge have been a wonderful way to observe how my body reacts and responds to pain. They have given me the opportunity to use these modalities to get to know my true self. Not the self that wants to run and hide when the pain comes up. I’ve learned that self is the ego, trying to trick me, to get me to quit. My true self is the me that pushes through the pain and keeps going. It’s the self that is learning to be honest about the pain. To sit with tit and learn the lessons that are present so I can heal those old wounds.

I can’t believe we’ve been working this challenge for 21 days. The time is passing quickly. I’ve learned a lot, but I know I still have many things to learn. I guess I’ll see what the next eight days bring.

I know we’re almost there, but it’s still not to late to join the challenge. You’ll finish later, but you will learn so much. I hope you will consider joining us. It’s never too late to begin to heal.

Day Twenty – Excuses Be Gone Sun, 20 Nov 2022 19:58:00 +0000 Another Sunday, fun-day.

Brice chose Richard Simmons “Sweatin to the Oldies” as the Sunday exercise so we could have a little fun with the exercise portion of the challenge. She also selected this modality to bring to our attention the struggles we all have, and the excuses we make to avoid addressing our pain.

Richard Simmons was born with a foot deformities. At one point in his life he was also overweight. He could have very easily used these obstacles as excuses to live in his pain. But instead, he chose to overcome his deformities, and to address the weight by creating what became a successful exercise platform.

We are two thirds of the way through the challenge. We are working through many obstacles, whether it be emotional, physical, or in come cases environmental or social. I find the social aspect to be a great challenge.

We all have a lot going on in our lives. Some have families with young children, others may be taking care of their senior parents. We have careers and many of us volunteer our time to charities. All in addition to our daily chores and “honey-do-lists”. These are all perfect reasons to set aside the self and focus on others, right?

No, wrong. At least not if we want to heal old wounds. All of these obstacles are part of “our work”. We could use the obstacles as an excuse to quit or we can overcome them and use them as a conduit to our healing.

No more excuses. I continue moving forward. As do those who are taking on the Shadow Work Challenge. We rise early in the morning, tackle the ego and set it straight. We work through whatever modality of exercise we choose each day. We meditate, take cold showers and work through our regular daily schedules.

We end our day with our journal and lights out at 10pm.

We have so much to learn in this life. Lessons we need to learn so we can move onward and upward. We have all been given a great opportunity to educate ourselves through this challenge. I hope more people will see the value in this lesson and join us in the 30 Day Shadow Work Challenge.

Spiritual Vibration – Day Seventeen Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:54:17 +0000 Today is a good day to focus on learning more about our spiritual vibration. Yesterday was quite intense. We worked through many things. We wrote letters to our childhood self to facilitate the healing of old wounds. Today we take a deep breath as that energy settles and shifts.

We’ve been working this challenge long enough now to know what is meant by spiritual vibration. I equate it to the energy pulsing through the body as we become more familiar with our inner knowing. Or Gnosis. Where have we seen that word before? Yes, the Gnostic texts, that’s right. The spiritual texts of not only the early Christians, but further back in history to the ancient mystery schools.

We can focus on our spiritual vibration by studying those texts, by exercising, and by meditating and spending time asking ourselves the tough questions.

Many of these questions come from from so deep we weren’t aware they existed. Until we started this work.

We keep coming back to exercise. That’s because the body is the expression of the soul. The soul is meant to ascend. The soul can’t ascend until the body can handle the spiritual vibration that causes that shift. The way to make the body strong, is to exercise.

Our bodies must be able to hold that high frequency vibration in order to ascend. Think of the body as the casing on an electric wire. The casing of wire holds in the electric current that passes along the wire. If the casing isn’t thick enough or strong enough it could burn. The electricity will get too hot, and the casing melts, releasing the current into the air. Our bodies resemble that casing. It holds in the energy that we manifest. Whether it be positive or negative, the body holds that energy. The higher the vibration of that energy the stronger the body must be. We must work to make our bodies capable of holding that high vibration which will allow us to ascend.

There is so much to learn about our bodies. Much has been kept from us on purpose. It is now time for us to play catch up. We have a lot to learn in a short time.

I’m thankful for this challenge and all those who who facilitate and participate. Everyone is contributing to this journey. As Brice says, we are all walking each other home.

We’re in good company.

Childhood Trauma – Day Sixteen Wed, 16 Nov 2022 19:36:00 +0000 Many of us have survived some form of childhood trauma. This topic is never an easy one to discuss. But today as we continue our journey through the Shadow Work Challenge, we come up against what is a heavy topic.

I haven’t been looking forward to this particular day in the challenge. It makes sense that Brice waited until after the halfway mark to address this topic. Some participants may already have dealt with some of this energy as it has shifted in the body. While others are still waiting for the bomb to drop. There are those of us who have been working through this trauma for many years. Even we are struggling to move past some things that are just not ready to leave the body.

There are people who might be surprised to learn they suffered any form of childhood trauma. Mostly because the trauma remained from another lifetime. Yes, I’m talking about reincarnation. It’s okay if you’re not on this band wagon. When the dust settles and the truth is revealed, you will probably change your mind.

We are all healing the little things. While others are dealing with major shifts in energy to heal the body and the mind. These individual shifts, these ah ha moments we have, may seem small in comparison to what is going on on the world stage. But as we are learning, the micro affects the macro. For every little shift we cause, its causing a greater shift in the world.

So, as we continue to heal ourselves, we are contributing to the greater good of the cosmos. No change is too small. No effort made is to little. Because when we all come together, those little shifts will cause great waves. We are the tsunami. We are the wind that will clear out the storm and bring light back into the world.

I end my day again, with my journal and a good book. I reflect on all I’ve accomplished in the last 16 days and I turn out the light.

Thankful for this Shadow Work Challenge.

Finding Courage – Day Fifteen Tue, 15 Nov 2022 19:34:57 +0000 So, we’re at the half way point of the Shadow Work Challenge. We began today as we did the first day with Marnie Alton’s Barre exercise. By now I’ve become accustom to waking early and beginning my day with my new friends.

Today is Tuesday. And true to the Challenge we learned something new today. If you’re familiar with the Hindu faith, you will already know Tuesday is Hanuman’s Day. Brice brings up Hanuman today, who is the Hindu warrior monkey god. He represents courage. The story goes like this.

Rama (who represents God) marries Sita, (represents the soul) his true love. Ravana the demon king (our ego) who can’t be slayed kidnaps Sita. Rama searches tirelessly for Sita. Until he meets and hires Hanuman (represents courage) to find an rescue Sita. It’s a beautiful story. Brice gives a brief over view of the tale below. One much better than my brief synopsis.

We are all fighting an inner war. Our ego against our soul. The only way we will win this war is if we find the courage to fight our demons. The story of Ramayana is one story that represent this struggle. Another is the Bhagavad Gita. Where Arjuna is the warrior who must find his courage.

We are writing our story by working through this challenge. We must find and conquer our demons so we can ascend and move into the light. It is the struggle we face along the way that serves as our work, our karma. In the video below, Brice recaps the day, helping us put into perspective the work that lay ahead.

So, we end the day as we have done for each day of the challenge. My journal has become my constant companion and confidant. I write that nightly entry, read for a while, then turn out the lights for the night.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet, the effects of the nightly ritual of lights out by 10pm. My sleep is a better quality and I wake more rested. That alone is worth joining the challenge.

I know we’re half way through, but you could still join the challenge, you’d only finish fifteen days later that most of us. There are those who have joined later and are finishing a bit later. It doesn’t matter. We all get there when we are meant to arrive.

Day Fourteen – The Ego Death Mon, 14 Nov 2022 19:32:00 +0000 The ego is a funny thing. It can be a trickster. While we need our ego to survive, I’m learning that it needs to put in its place more often than not.

There are many times in our life when our ego serves us. Protects us for danger. But in this spiritual awakening the ego can be a hindrance to our growth. It does serve a purpose, but I’m learning that the purpose is only to provide friction so we can free ourselves from the “mind talk”.

When we realize that our ego is our false sense of self, it becomes easier to recognize when it is sneaking in to sabotage your efforts. We need to learn to put our ego in its place. We need to remember it should not be in control. The ego is mortal, the soul is eternal. The ego provides a false sense of knowing.

We started this shadow work challenge so we could become acquainted with our true self. Our soul self. Our body is the expression of the soul. If the ego can manipulate the mind to thinking it is real, then our bodies will never realize their true potential.

We can only realize that potential by working through our Karma, doing our work. That’s all karma is, the work we agreed to do, the experiences we agreed to live so we could know ourselves, our soul self. We learn that the fear instilled in us, is only a means to keep us stuck.

The elite learned that hundreds, no, thousands of years ago. I believe they created religion to control us and keep us from knowing the truth. The ego has helped them to accomplish their goal. We through discipline and hard work will undo their programming and take back the world.

If we discipline our selves to do the work we can undo all the programming we’ve been subjected to. Brice reminds us, in her video, where the word discipline derives from. Yeshua taught his followers how to live so they could ascend. His followers were called disciples. His followers disciplined themselves to do the work.

When we do the work we will experience a lot of “stuff”. Emotions like sadness, depression, anxiety and loneliness will come up. We will feel pain in our bodies. Headaches could be part of that pain. These manifestations will confirm that we’re moving in the right direction. I’ve been experiencing some of the physical pain. I’m sure there will be more to come.

This is our dark night of the soul. These are the manifestations that release us from that darkness and bring us into the light.

This challenge is working wonders for so many people right now. I hope you will consider joining us as we awaken the world to the possibilities of enlightening.

Magic, Mysore, Moving Energy – Day Thirteen Sun, 13 Nov 2022 19:31:00 +0000 Today is day thirteen.

In the overview video, Brice talks to us today about the energy in our body. She asks us to go within and feel where in our body that energy might be stuck. She discusses the idea that when we realize our energy is stagnant, we can make a connection to our emotions and where we are physically in our life.

Have you ever noticed that when you get mad, noting goes right. You fall in to a cascade of emotions that lead you down a road that escalates that emotion of anger and frustration.

In the video below, Brice talks about how we can move that energy through exercise. When we “get physical” we not only create more energy in our body, but that energy acts as a conduit for those emotions to clear out. Look at it this way. When you have a clogged drain nothing will pass through it. Or whatever does pass, does so at a trickle. Slowing down the flow. When you clean out those drains, the water immediately flows through without any resistance.

The energy in our bodies is not so different from the clogged drain. If we sit idle, don’t move our bodies, then the energy doesn’t flow. When we begin the practice of exercise, that energy starts to move through the body. But because that energy has been stagnant in the body for so long, we have created blocks that need to be flushed out. Similar to flushing out the clogged drain.

As the energy begins to move it may bring up emotions that have been part of that stagnant energy. When that energy presents as anger we can help it move through the body by doing rigorous exercise. Brice gives us the option of kickboxing as a means to create this flow.

This flow will bring pain, stiffness and frustration. All of which are part of the process necessary to awaken the the body to manifest a spiritual awakening. This I am learning through this challenge.

Again the day closes with my journal, some intensive reading and lights out at 10pm.

Things are getting intense. In a good way. I hope you will look at this challenge as an opportunity to grow, spiritually (not religiously).

You can join the challenge at any time. It’s never to late toe heal and grow.

Day Eleven – The Window Of Truth – Illusion Fri, 11 Nov 2022 19:27:00 +0000 Continuing on. I’ve made it to day eleven.

Pain is coming up for many of us. Shoulders, knees, hips, elbows, any place in the body. Many of those who have taken on this challenge are saying the pain is very real. We are all working to figure out what that pain means. We’re digging deep to find the source of that pain.

One of the things Brice asked us to do yesterday was to connect with someone we lost touch with. Apparently, some participants contacted people they had previously eliminated from their life. Those people who were toxic to them. I didn’t think to do that. I’m glad I didn’t.

However, once the conversation began, it made me realize that even though I didn’t contact someone toxic, there was someone that fit the description, who in recent years I had cut ties with, so I could heal from such toxicity. It also made me realize that I hadn’t completely cut that tie.

It’s amazing how the universe works. For the last two and a half years I’ve been working to free myself from such a relationship. While I’m not going to share any information about that relationship, I will say that it was a long lasting one that left me broken and brought me to a place that I never thought I would see. Today as Brice spoke about toxic relationships, I realized I still had some unfinished business of which to address.

When I say it’s amazing how the universe works, I’m speaking of how time and space prepares a path that allows us to find the strength to work through anything. I will admit it wasn’t me who set the ball in motion, that would finally close the door to this relationship.

But I’m glad the ball is rolling. It is a scary thing, to confront years of toxicity after having such a peaceful reprieve. But I know the peace will be short lived if I don’t follow through with closing the door. I have found some solace in knowing that I am strong, and have truth on my side. I know that I can finally close the the door that will free me from that which has plagued me for 20 years.

So, we move on, learning from our decisions. We address the pain and heal. The healing will bring with it a peace and joy that will lift us all to our ascension. Where we will finally release the pain we chose to live through.

On day eleven we continue our journey. Journal, meditation, exercise, and continued lessons that bring knowledge and understanding while showing us how strong and compassionate we can be to ourselves. This challenge is teaching us all lessons we didn’t know we needed to learn.

I hope you will look at this opportunity and begin. It’s never to late to grow.
