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Continued Poisoning

So, for those of you who have no idea what’s going on, I suggest you watch the video below. Teymara has given us all, much to consider.

For years I’ve been speaking about the poisons we’ve been subjected to. From Chemtrails to poisoning our water supply. From Weather warfare to GMO foods. The powers that be have doing everything in their power to take us down.

The initial intent, I believe, is to make us sick. They make the population sick so they can pump pharmaceduicals’s into our bodies, until we’ve been so complacent that we forget to ask, “is this good for me?”

Many people are in this state of existing. Please take the time to watch this video and start asking questions.

Open your eyes and start to research everything you hear. No matter where it comes from.

It really is time to wake up. Before it’s too late.

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Hashimoto’s and the Road to Recovery

Life is a journey. Each step you take in life is a step that either brings you to a life of pure living or causes you to stop dead in your tracks because your body can’t process the chemicals you ingest daily.

We live in a world of contradiction. On the one hand, we are blessed to experience such advanced technology that we can clone organs and animals. On the other hand, we experience a barbarism inflicted by big business where they brainwash the public to believe if they take more and more medicines, that medicine will cure them.

Nothing could be further from the truth. What makes us think that injecting the human body with chemicals or swallowing synthetic versions of herbs, will make us healthy?

The human body is made to consume and absorb plant-based products — healthy fruits and vegetables. Our bodies are screaming for that which grows naturally in soil free from pesticides. If we don’t return to the earth and nurture what we sow, we will be doomed to a life of illness and disease.

Cancer is on the rise, not because of global warming or spending too much time in the sun. Cancer is increasing because of the chemicals we put on our skin and in our bodies. We eat processed foods that are foreign to our bodies. Our cells are reacting to the toxins and pollutants by mutating and changing our genetic makeup, which presents itself as cancer.

Diabetes is running rampant in the world on an epidemic level that should be making the medical community stand up and take notice. For years doctors have told patients that insulin is the answer. The reality is if that patient is educated on the way the pancreas and liver process sugar, they will be able to cure themselves. Real food is the answer.

Autoimmune disease is another condition that is increasing. Our guts are screaming at us to clean up our act before our bodies shut down.

Pick your poison; cancer, diabetes, or autoimmune disease, all of these are curable. I know the medical community can’t claim any disease is curable. But if everything is “mind over matter” than minding what we eat, will matter. If we have a positive mindset, we can heal our bodies. If we live a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with positive thinking, then we can rid our bodies of the diseases that dominate and control our lives.

The path you chose will be the road you travel that leads you in either the path to good health or a direction that makes you dependent on the medical community. Take time today to reach out to any of the many resources available to help you on your journey to healthy living.

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Hashimoto’s and Hair Loss

Anyone who has Hashimoto’s knows that hair loss can be a big concern. I know it was for me. Right before my doctor diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s, I was losing a lot of hair. I would find large clumps of it in the shower. Each pass through my hair with the comb was a death sentence for my hair. Every day I’d look in the mirror and notice the skin on the sides of my forehead becoming more noticeable. It got to the point that I was afraid to comb my hair.

It didn’t dawn on me that my hair loss might be due to Hashimoto’s. Other warning signs pointed to Hashimoto’s, but I didn’t make the connection. I thought I was getting older and my body was not functioning optimally; when we get older our body’s slow down. Right?

Not necessarily. I’ve learned a lot since my diagnosis. I’ve spent many hours researching and educating myself on Hashimoto’s. I may not be a doctor, but I know enough now to be able to share my experience and any information I’ve learned about coping with Hashimoto’s.

Hair Loss and Hypothyroidism

I mentioned at the beginning of this blog my ignorance about the reason for my hair loss. I had many symptoms of hypothyroidism which I discuss in my blog “Let the Lesson Begin.” If you look at those symptoms, you will realize they are symptoms that could be related to many disorders and illnesses. Hair loss is one in the long list of symptoms.

Thyroid imbalance is the most common form of hormonal imbalance leading to hair loss. It is also the most underdiagnosed hormonal disorder. Many people are diagnosed and treated for (let’s say) depression when they have a thyroid disorder. It’s scary but true.

When I was twenty-nine, my doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. My symptoms were those that mirrored hypothyroidism. I didn’t know it at the time because my labs came back within the normal range for a thyroid condition. That statement brings me to my next one.

Confusion and Thyroid Labs

Conventionally recommended labs for thyroid ranges are too broad. Many doctors look at the lab, versus the symptoms and condition of the patient. The oversight causes many doctors to overlook a lot of thyroid-related symptoms.

Thyroid symptoms can be too high (hyperthyroid) or too low (hypothyroid). Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid is unable to process the thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) necessary for healthy functioning body systems.1 Often hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s which is an autoimmune condition. I go into more detail in my blog “Let the Thyroid Lesson Begin.” Hyperthyroidism is the overproduction of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). We will be focusing on hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s for this post.

Keeping Your Hair With Hashimoto’s

Thyroid function affects every part of your body. We are talking about hair loss here, so we’ll leave other functions and symptoms for another post. Hair loss is one way your thyroid affects your hair. Hair loss usually follows earlier conditions such as brittle and dry hair. We are all familiar with the make-up of hair. Each strand of hair is made up of medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The root of the hair is lodged in a follicular involution of the epidermis or “follicle.”3 The hair follicle has a receptor site for the thyroid hormone, which binds to the receptor site. The thyroid hormone that resides within the receptor site is what turns on and off, normal hair growth. It doesn’t matter if it is insufficient or excess thyroid hormone production, the disruption will cause hair to shed.

Adequate T3 and T4 hormone cause the hair follicle cycle to last longer causing increased or healthy hair growth. The T3 and T4 hormone also encourage pigmentation of the hair. When T3 and T4 levels are inadequate, you see thinning all over the head or in some cases on the sides of the head. I experienced hair loss on the sides of my head along the temple area.

Complete Thyroid Testing Requires More Than the Thyroid Panel

If you are experiencing hair loss along with any of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s, you should check with your doctor. You should ask your doctor to test the following 2:

•    Thyroid panel: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, TPO Antibodies, Anti-TGB Antibodies.

•    Vitamins and minerals – these are key in converting T4 (inactive) hormone to T3 (active hormone): Ferritin, vitamin D and B12 at the very least.

•    Sugar levels: glucose (fasting blood sugar), HA1C and insulin.

•    Lipid Panel: total cholesterol, LDL, HDL triglycerides.2

Part of having healthy hair is being healthy. The best way to accomplish good health is by changing your diet. I discuss diet in my blog “Healthy With Hashimoto’s.” When we change our diet, we affect the symptoms of Hashimoto’s and begin to feel better.

Looking Good, Feeling Good

We live in a society that constantly reminds us of how important it is to look good. More importantly, we should feel good. Part of feeling good is having a healthy body and properly functioning body systems. If you have Hashimoto’s you know how difficult it is to focus on feeling good and looking good. When we lose our hair, our confidence is affected. When our confidence is affected, we feel worse and accomplish less.

If you are looking at your hair loss as a symptom of Hashimoto’s, I encourage you to look at all options available to help you return your body systems to normal. Talk to your doctor about natural alternatives to synthetic medications on the market. You may be surprised when you realize it is possible to control your symptoms naturally.


1. 2. order-to-manage-your-thyroid-and-hashimotos-disease/ 3.

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Let the Thyroid Lesson Begin

I drove home that morning, determined I wouldn’t be medicated. I would spend every waking hour researching ways to manage Hashimoto’s without medication. Every indication told me it couldn’t be done.

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease. The thyroid is dead and can’t be brought back to life, I was told. Don’t always believe what you hear. That’s my motto. With that statement ringing in my head, I began to learn about the thyroid.

Our thyroid is the largest endocrine gland in our body. No wonder people have problems. Think about it. This little butterfly-shaped gland works 24/7 to keep our body systems operating properly. Compare that to your computer, and consider this. If you turn on your computer and open 20 different tabs in your browser, one of two things will eventually happen. The computer will either lock up or crash.

Our bodies are similar on many levels. We don’t eat right or get enough sleep. The food we put in our bodies if packed with chemicals that we are not meant to digest. This one abuse causes our organs to work on overload to clean out toxins that eventually cause health issues.

Consider your thyroid. It is one small gland that we pollute every day. From brushing our teeth to eating meat injected with hormones and antibiotics to slathering our skin with cosmetics that are loaded with carcinogens. That’s only the beginning. We’ll discuss this in depth in a future blog.

So, we know the thyroid is busy. It produces two types of hormones, T3 and T4. These hormones control how and at what rate your body will burn energy. It also regulates how you respond to stress hormones. That’s a big job, considering the stressful lives we live. I will discuss this in a future blog as well.

We now know basically what our thyroid function is. So, it’s time to quickly look at two ways it can malfunction. There is hyperthyroidism, where the production of hormones is excessive. Then there is hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid produces too little hormone. Both situations can be disastrous if left un-checked. There are many things that are affected by your thyroid:

  • Rough skin
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Fatigue
  • Being too hot or too cold (excessively)
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Digestive issues
  • Frequent urination
  • Low sex drive
  • Trouble breathing
  • Hair loss
  • Vision issues
  • Migraines (a biggie for me)
  • Muscle aches/tenderness

We’ll be talking about all of these and more as the blog develops. My goal is to provide information I’ve found throughout my journey to reconcile my thyroid to my lifestyle. It is also my desire to have as many of my readers share what works for them too. We are all in this together. It is my hopes to bring to the attention to women (and men) everywhere that the thyroid is most likely causing problems for people without realizing it. Again another topic for a future blog. Thank you for taking the time to read, I hope to see you all back here for the next post. I wish you much success in your fight for great thyroid health.