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Let the Challenge Begin

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Well, it could be.

I begin the the Shadow Work Challenge with Brice and about 400 souls who wish to know themselves.

We began the challenge with exercise, meditation and a journal.

The first day of exercise was a Barre exercise. Marnie Alton was our first exercise teacher. If you want to learn a little about Marnie, you can watch this interview.

The workout was a challenge, but not impossible. It felt good to work through the 45 minutes. It will take a little work to stretch muscles I haven;t worked in years, and of course to get my feet to move in the right direction. not to worry, I’ll get it.

If you’re interested in doing the challenge with me, I’m sure Brice would live to add you to the group of us, brave enough to do the work.

You can watch the day one overview and learn more about what will be involved in the challenge.

I’m looking forward to doing the work. We will be working with Brice Watson from Esoteric Atlanta. Working with her is Stephanie Schapp, Catherine Edwards, Emmie Christe, and Chantelle Meyburgh. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

Here’s to completing day one.

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Shadow Work Challenge

I began to question everything about my health, in 2016 when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

It was the worst and best day of my life. I thought I was healthy. I never thought to look at my weight or eating habits. The day I was diagnosed however, I stopped to consider how my life had progressed. My eating habits were terrible. I had migraines all the time. I used Excederine, migraine, Tylenol sinus and a bottle of coke to ease the pressure. That worked for a while but it took it”s toll on my stomach. And my thyroid.

I ate fast food, once or twice a week. And without even thinking about it I went from a size 3 to a size 7 pants. All this happened over a period of years. I was unhappy and never stopped to consider why.

So, the Hashimotos diagnosis was really a life saver. It didn’t happen over night, but over time I’ve learned how to live a better life.

Today, I’m continuing the lessons. I’m joining Brice Watson as she offers up a 30 day challenge to those who want to do their “shadow work”.

If you’re not familiar with the term “shadow work”, then let me help you understand. Some of you may not subscribe to this mindset, and that’s okay. You can let go of what doesn’t resonate with you, and politely read the post while being respectful to those who find value in what I write.

We are all born into this 3D matrix by our design. We plan out the lessons we want to learn. We participate in a soul contract whereby we will experience ideas, places, and lesson so our soul can grow and learn. We come into this world in a state of amnesia, which gives us the opportunity to experience this life without prejudice.

Included in this decent into 3D, is the memory of all that is experienced in all our incarnations. Those memories and experiences, which we agreed to, now leave a shadow on our soul. This is our shadow work. We listen to our body, we experience pain and heal it so our soul can move up and we can complete the lessons.

While this is only a summary of how I see the idea of shadow work, it is a starting point. Anyone who wishes to join us on this journey can do so by contacting Brice at

I am excited to uncover and bring into the light that which has remained hidden. That which is keeping me from moving to the next phase of my life.

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Tesla Energy

I’ve been posting some information about energy. And how we re all made up of energy. I mentioned Nikola Tesla. I believe everyone knows who Tesla was. But in case I’m posting a bit about him below.

Magnetism & Electricity governs the universe. Everything is frequency! ~ N. Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a multi-disciplinary genius. He discovered rotating magnetic field in 1882 which led to a series of US Patents in 1888, giving us the AC electric power system we still use today.

This one achievement earned him the honor of being called “The Man Who Invented the 20th Century”. He was multifaceted in his  research which went beyond what what we see as electricity today.

He invented the brush-less AC induction motor, the radio, remote control by the radio, super-conductivity, fluorescent lighting, the blade-less turbine engine and pump, the capacitor discharge ignition system for automobile engines, the mechanical oscillator, and dozens of other inventions.

He also discovered that useful energy could be extracted from the heat of the ambient air and that electric power in the form of Radiant Energy which could be broadcast to everyone in the world through the ground.

If we think about it. Pythagoras was right! Geometry is at the heart of all of what Tesla showed us. “Phenomena can be interpreted as either the geometric effects of field phenomena or the field effects of geometry  Resonance requires a Harmony of both! Hence antenna engineering and musical instruments.”

Taking it a step further, in looking at the human body or “electric body” we realize that the longitudinal waves are the ones our minds transmit between each other, those are the ones cells use to communicate with each other.

  • WHY do we get ‘hungry’?
  • Our body needs ENERGY.
  • Our CELLS need ENERGY

Look at the body as four capacitors in a cell-like structure. You could say cell membranes resemble capacitors while human DNA could mimic the coil causing the nerve fibers to work. Just consider how life develops energy from the Ether & Scalar Fields.

Now, lets look at how food is meant to give us energy. Then go back and look at how the Rockefeller’s manipulated the food supply. Now, the food meant to give us energy, poisons us.

Mass market foods were created to cause addiction and poison us to keep the electric body from performing in the manner it was meant. Drug companies create drugs to make us sick. They maintain the body in perpetual illness so they can keep pumping more drugs into the human body.

It was well known that Tesla energy went far deeper than free energy. He knew the effect energy had on biology, physics, and metaphysics.  It is also well known that the elite were threatened by the idea Tesla had for producing free energy to the world. Because of that, they ruined him and destroyed any possibility the world would experience the comfort of free electricity.

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Continued Poisoning

So, for those of you who have no idea what’s going on, I suggest you watch the video below. Teymara has given us all, much to consider.

For years I’ve been speaking about the poisons we’ve been subjected to. From Chemtrails to poisoning our water supply. From Weather warfare to GMO foods. The powers that be have doing everything in their power to take us down.

The initial intent, I believe, is to make us sick. They make the population sick so they can pump pharmaceduicals’s into our bodies, until we’ve been so complacent that we forget to ask, “is this good for me?”

Many people are in this state of existing. Please take the time to watch this video and start asking questions.

Open your eyes and start to research everything you hear. No matter where it comes from.

It really is time to wake up. Before it’s too late.

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6 Things You Should Have in Your Covid Arsenal

I’m trying not to make this blog about politics. But this one time I’m going to write about the flu now labeled as Covid-19.

We the people, have been bombarded with misinformation. We’re fed lies, and manipulated to believe things that are not true. Those of us who take the time to dig are called conspiracy theorists, while those still asleep listen to MSM, allowing the media to pull them further into their web of lies. Their mind control propaganda is dividing our country.

Thankfully, there are still some willing to stand up and speak the truth. There are still some doctors who haven’t forgotten the Hippocratic Oath they took to protect and heal.

Dr. McCullough is speaking out. He’s trying to connect with as many people as possible. He’s trying to save your children!

In the video below Dr. McCullough offers six things you should have in your Covid Arsenal.

We all should arm ourselves with not only the truth, but information that will help us survive the MSM/cabal of misinformation. This is a start.

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Death Is An Illusion

There was a time when you would be hung for believing anything not sanctioned by the church.

Today however, people are becoming more aware of the state of energy and how it affects the human body. It has been said, we are what we eat. Of course, we can relate to that because food is physical. We can see it, smell it, and taste it. When we consume it, we digest it, and it becomes part of our body. At least temporarily.

If we eat junk food, our body gets sick. If we eat healthy food, we notice we feel more alert and have more energy. Of course, there are exceptions to that, but you understand what I mean.

In recent years, we are hearing more about neuroplasticity, brain waves, and neurotransmitters in the brain. We are learning that we can reprogram our mind,  building or changing those neurotransmitters, to change our habits, and attitude. Now, we hear, you are what you think. We should explore that in another post.

The argument is that everything is energy. Our physical body is energy. It appears to be solid because we are living in a third dimensional space, causing us to vibrate at such a low frequency, that we become solid mass. As we learn to change our way of thinking, and we are able to heal old trauma, we will increase that vibration causing us to eventually transform to light beings. Of course, that will take many lifetimes.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. ~ Nikola Tesla

In any case, the point I’m trying to make is, if we are made of energy, and energy can not be created or destroyed, then we have always existed, and we will never die. We will only change form. Making death an illusion.

This may seem like a wild  concept, but if you think about it it makes sense. Maybe we should reconsider reincarnation. At least those who might discount it as possibility.

We’ve been robbed of many things throughout our lives. The elite have kept much information from us. A means to keep us under control. We are standing on a precipice now. The elite are about to meet their maker. We are about to be free.

I can’t wait to learn more about the human species and what we are truly capable of. One day, we may be like the Marvel characters, able to leap tall buildings, and bend metal, and fly. I know, It sounds much like sci-fi and hard to believe. We’ll see.

Keep digging. The information is out there.

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Opening the Mind

Now that I’ve been through the eye opening experience of how we are intentionally being poisoned, I’m moving on. I recently started working on my soul self, my inner being. That which is sacred. I started doing Qi Gong in January. I’m finding it to be a challenging way to grow spiritually. It has brought me to question many of the things I have been told throughout my life. Most of which I cast aside in 1999, when I began researching a book I intended to write. What an eye opening experience. That’s a topic for another day. I began meditating when I started my Qi Gong practice. I didn’t just begin to meditate. I spent some time researching what it meant to meditate. Why should I meditate? What effect would it have? And in particular, what form of meditation would be best for me. I can’t tell you what would be best for you, I can only share what I have learned. There are many forms of meditation. You might enjoy a guided meditation. Or maybe you prefer to meditate to the sounds of nature, sound bowls, or music. You will have to research what’s out there to decide what works best for you.                                                                                                         Always do your research. You can check out an earlier post I wrote while I was exploring meditations. I found mediation to be a way to get closer to the real me. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, to focus and get to that place of quiet reflection. Some days I’d sit in silence and never get there. My mind would start reeling, and I’d get lost. The important thing is, I didn’t give up. I keep practicing. I think I will always be a novice when it comes to meditating. Some days I am able to sit peacefully, and listen. Other days, it’s a challenge. I am still new at it so we’ll see how it goes.
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Food Trauma

For years I have been working to heal my body from “food trauma”.

You may be wondering what food trauma is. Well, its the condition our bodies realize when we eat junk food over the course of time. For years I ate poorly, never considering what it would do to my body. While I was young, the though never crossed my mind. When I had children my eating habits changed. I always tried to feed them good food, so I had to eat well too.

After my second marriage, I found that my eating habits changed again. Yes, I still cooked and made good meals. But there were times when the children would visit their dad and it would be fast food weekend. Stopping at the gas station and buying chips and coke. After a few years of that, the migraines got worse. Eventually I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

And so my journey to enlightenment began.

I’ve been through the food detox. I’ve researched the ingredients hidden in many of the foods on the supermarket shelves. Only to realize, we are being poisoned. In addition to what we eat, I found that many of the health and beauty products we use are filled with toxins too. And it is those toxins that are causing all our health issues.

We’ve been conditioned to trust those that sell us the food and products that we consume. We believe that these companies (including our corporate government) have our best interest at heart. I think if you take the time to do your research, you will find that there is nothing further from the truth.

It is now time to be responsible for ourselves. It’s time to research everything we are told. From what we eat, to what we put on our bodies, to what we place in the air we breathe. I have learned through research that everything we are sold commercially has some form of toxin in it.

Right down to asprin. If you look at the “other ingredients” listed on the label, you will find that they put antifreeze in asprin. Look it up if you don’t believe me. That’s one example.

I’m no different than any of you. I failed to do my research, until my health was affected. Now I want to share what I learn so each of you know what I know. Obviously, you should still do your research. Trust no one when it comes to what you are exposed to. Be responsible for yourself, and teach your family to do the same.

We have to look out for each other, now. For the powers that be don’t, will not, and never intended to keep us safe.

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This is Not A Vaccine!

To quote Dr. Larry, “there is nothing in the vaccine that is designed to protect us from a virus infection”.

So, that out of the way we have to question, why?

Why is the CDC and WHO pushing this jab? Why is it so important to be vaccinated against a virus that no one has be able to isolate?

If there is nothing in the shot that will protect us from a “Covid/SARS virus there must be a nefarious reason for this scam.

Now, fast forward in time. So, Covid-19 isn’t a natural born virus. But hundreds of thousands of people have taken the jab. The results have been eye opening. In addition to blood clots, cardiac, and respiratory illness, we are now seeing something called the “spike protein”.

Hear we go. According t Dr. Larry, the spike protein is a man made weapon. It is not a virus. It may be attached to a virus but is not a virus. It is a poison of the blood. The spike protein can attach itself to cells all over the body. The brain, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys,  the male and female reproductive systems It is a poisoning of the blood.

They now know the spike protein is what is making people sick.

This jab is creating spike protein. Once the spike protein enters the body, it makes more of these spike protein.

Now they are talking about shedding. No one knows what is being shed, but they think it is the spike protein. They don’t know how it’s being shed. What we o know is that it’s producing the following symptoms

  • Covid-19
  • Bleeding
  • Miscarriages
  • Death
  • And more…

This is an experimental injection. It’s not approved by the FDA. It’s never been used in injections before. They are capable of passing any material it’s attached to into the liver, the kidney’s, the brain, the heart the sperm and the female reproductive system.

We have crossed the line. It’s time to admit that this jab is a bio-weapon.

Here is a short video where three medical professionals discuss the shedding and reinforce the statement that this is a bio-weapon.

Here you can listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup talk about shedding and the bleeding women are experiencing based on the shedding of spike protein.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video. Educate yourself on this topic.

Wishing everyone good health.

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Thinking Outside of The Box

Well, I’ve made it through another year. Another year older. Hmmm…

I think I’ll look at it as another year wiser. It’s amazing what we can learn in a year.

I’m continuing to evolve spiritually. While the post today has nothing to do with Hashimotos, it does have to do with healing. I’m learning that when we dig deep into our self, our soul, our being, we begin to understand how it is that dis-ease finds a way to manifest in our bodies.

I’ve been reading the lost books of the Bible. I’m amazed at the early teachings that were omitted from the Bible. While I don’t intend this post to become a debate in religion, I must say that we have been cheated. Humanity has been kept from the greatest gift in learning. If you have the chance, I suggest you start reading them. Quite enlightening. Maybe that’s the reason the Church doesn’t want us to read them.

Reading these books has prompted me to ask more questions about myself. Where I came from, what my purpose here is. How does everything fit together? The universe, God, humanity, ancient history. There are so many things we don’t know. To be honest, I think some of what we do know, those things fed to us by those in control, can’t be true.

Back to spirituality. In questioning the early history of our planet, I’ve come to realize that the mystery school teachings have a valid place in our reality. Of course, there is a God. He is part of us. He exists in each one of us. If you think about what Jesus (Yeshua) taught, it makes sense that we are more than we have been led to believe. He told us to be like Him. He taught us that we could multiply loaves, turn water to wine, walk on water, among other things. Jesus said God is within us. I’m sure you’re wondering where I’m going with this.

Well, I’m not going to teach a lesson in religion. As a matter of fact, Yeshua, despised religion. I only wanted to make a point. And that point is, if we expand our minds, we can do anything. As we become more in tune with ourselves, and learn how to control what and how we think, the possibilities are endless. Part of me wonders if that’s why the Church tells us that yoga is evil. Yoga teaches you how to focus, to be in the present moment. It teaches you how to control what you think, and how to move your body so you can work through all the trauma you’ve experienced.

I’m not a yoga expert. But I understand what I read. And anything I’ve read about yoga and meditation tells us that it is when we control our minds, how and what we think, we will be free from the matrix that has kept us enslaved. If we take control of our minds, stop watching and listening to the media, that is brainwashing us to be puppets, we will be surprised at the freedom we will enjoy.