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Sweatin To The Oldies – Day Six

Day six is Sunday fun-day. Brice chose Richard Simmons as an exercise today to lighten up the energy. I don’t mean to say that the exercise earlier in the week were heavy. But they were more focused. There’s nothing like dancing to lift the spirit. Richard Simmons is a perfect way to get you smiling while enjoying the “burn”. It’s also a way to learn to love the work for the sake of the work.

Brice reminds us of the Bhagavad Gita and the lesson we receive in that writing. That being, learning to love the work for the sake of the work not for the fruits of the labor. Richard Simmons “Sweatin To The Oldies” is a good example of how you can enjoy the work for the sake of the work.

We are on day six of the challenge, and learning how to address the pain that comes up. We are learning the the pain we experience through exercise, such as shoulder pain, knee pain or hip pain, is our body trying to tell us something. It is when we focus on the pain that we learn who we are. The pain we experience might be our bodies detoxing from old energy. I’ve talked in past posts about energy. We talked about how are bodies are nothing but energy. That energy can get blocked, trapped in our bodies causing dis-ease and discomfort. Exercise is one way to force that energy to come to come to the surface. It’s one way to work out the kinks so the energy can flow through the body the way in which it was meant.

We continue to work through this energy. Making note of it. Where do you feel the pain, how intense it is, and how long has it been affecting your mobility. It’s a never ending task.

The journal is a good way to keep track of this energy pattern. We still work to record our eating habits and write about how the challenge is affecting our daily life.

You can watch the video above to learn more about the Shadow Work Challenge. It’s not to late to join us.

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Shadow Work and Your Energy – Day 5

Here we are, day five. This will be our rest day as relates to the exercise portion of the challenge.

Saturday is the day of the planet Saturn. God created the planet of Saturn, the planet of Karma. Father time, matrix. We need to use our energy to return these things back to God. There fore Saturday is the rest day or day of reflection in yoga.

So today we rest, and reflect on the prior week. We sit with the energy that is shifting. This energy will bring many things to the surface. Saturday is the day to sit with that energy and work through whatever comes up.

You can watch the video below to learn more about not only what Brice talks about as relates to Saturn and many other topics, such as ego and the matrix.

The day is a rest from exercise, but not a day of learning. We use this day this week to reflect on the Doshas, the holistic science of Ayurveda. By studying the Doshas we will better understand food, energy and the times of day in our bodies. It’s amazing how much sense this makes. You can learn more about the Dosha’s below.

Moving forward we will be adding a food journal to the journal we started at the beginning of the challenge. By doing this we will be able to see how foods affect us. Surprisingly, what you eat can effect your anxiety levels, and even depression. That’s just a start.

This challenge is turning out to be more than just challenging our bodies. We will be challenging our minds too.

I hope you can join the challenge. Remember, it doesn’t matter when you join. you can start any time. Why not now? There’s no time like the present.

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Shadow Work Challenge – Day Two

Day 2 started out with a little Ashtanga nurse. That would be Ashtanga yoga. Yes, yoga.

Okay, so this was challenging. If you’ve never done yoga, this could be the thing that makes you turn and run. Please don’t. You can’t quit. This is the conversation I had with myself this morning.

Then I tortured myself for five minutes with a cold shower. The cold shower is supposed to help with inflammation.

If you’d like a glimpse of the 20 minute yoga video, you can see it here.

In today’s video, Brice discusses yoga with Emmie. She shares with us the “real” yoga. And the struggles that come with the practice. This morning I worked through the above practice with Ashtanga Nurse. I must admit it was a challenge. Not having done ashtanga yoga before, I found myself stiff and clumsy. But I’m not quitting. I’ will finish this challenge.

We are bound to come up against a wall on occasion. There is so much to learn from this challenge. You can learn about day two here.

I hope you will consider joining us in this challenge. Cold shower and all. We can all learn something from this process. I look forward to the shadow work.

You should join us.

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Let the Challenge Begin

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Well, it could be.

I begin the the Shadow Work Challenge with Brice and about 400 souls who wish to know themselves.

We began the challenge with exercise, meditation and a journal.

The first day of exercise was a Barre exercise. Marnie Alton was our first exercise teacher. If you want to learn a little about Marnie, you can watch this interview.

The workout was a challenge, but not impossible. It felt good to work through the 45 minutes. It will take a little work to stretch muscles I haven;t worked in years, and of course to get my feet to move in the right direction. not to worry, I’ll get it.

If you’re interested in doing the challenge with me, I’m sure Brice would live to add you to the group of us, brave enough to do the work.

You can watch the day one overview and learn more about what will be involved in the challenge.

I’m looking forward to doing the work. We will be working with Brice Watson from Esoteric Atlanta. Working with her is Stephanie Schapp, Catherine Edwards, Emmie Christe, and Chantelle Meyburgh. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

Here’s to completing day one.