Brice Watson Mon, 21 Nov 2022 19:38:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Shadow Work Challenge Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:00:00 +0000 I began to question everything about my health, in 2016 when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

It was the worst and best day of my life. I thought I was healthy. I never thought to look at my weight or eating habits. The day I was diagnosed however, I stopped to consider how my life had progressed. My eating habits were terrible. I had migraines all the time. I used Excederine, migraine, Tylenol sinus and a bottle of coke to ease the pressure. That worked for a while but it took it”s toll on my stomach. And my thyroid.

I ate fast food, once or twice a week. And without even thinking about it I went from a size 3 to a size 7 pants. All this happened over a period of years. I was unhappy and never stopped to consider why.

So, the Hashimotos diagnosis was really a life saver. It didn’t happen over night, but over time I’ve learned how to live a better life.

Today, I’m continuing the lessons. I’m joining Brice Watson as she offers up a 30 day challenge to those who want to do their “shadow work”.

If you’re not familiar with the term “shadow work”, then let me help you understand. Some of you may not subscribe to this mindset, and that’s okay. You can let go of what doesn’t resonate with you, and politely read the post while being respectful to those who find value in what I write.

We are all born into this 3D matrix by our design. We plan out the lessons we want to learn. We participate in a soul contract whereby we will experience ideas, places, and lesson so our soul can grow and learn. We come into this world in a state of amnesia, which gives us the opportunity to experience this life without prejudice.

Included in this decent into 3D, is the memory of all that is experienced in all our incarnations. Those memories and experiences, which we agreed to, now leave a shadow on our soul. This is our shadow work. We listen to our body, we experience pain and heal it so our soul can move up and we can complete the lessons.

While this is only a summary of how I see the idea of shadow work, it is a starting point. Anyone who wishes to join us on this journey can do so by contacting Brice at

I am excited to uncover and bring into the light that which has remained hidden. That which is keeping me from moving to the next phase of my life.
