bromides Sun, 10 Mar 2019 18:34:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Heavy Metals and Hashimoto’s Mon, 18 Feb 2019 23:39:45 +0000 There are many things we don’t consider as we walk through life. We also tend to believe in the system and trust that institutions will keep us safe. In a perfect world, this would be the case. However, we live in an imperfect world where profits often time outweigh the best interest to us humans. More and more we are seeing companies pop up who are more interested in food safety and the health of their consumer. That’s a good thing.

But until the consensus is food safety before profit, you need to consider what I’m going to say. We are consuming toxins in large quantities daily. In most cases, we don’t consider some of these toxins as being part of our daily lives.

Ide, Ide, and Ide

For years many cities have been putting fluoride in municipal water supplies. They are now rethinking this as studies now show that fluoride can be poisonous. It is my understanding that some studies are now pointing to fluoride as a contributor to childhood ADD. I wonder…. It makes sense. There are many more children with this disorder today than 30 years ago.

Chloride is another one of those double-edged swords. It is a disinfectant which has killed many germs and bacteria that were once out of control. Chloride competes with iodine blocking iodine receptors in the thyroid. We now put it in our water, so it is safe to drink. Is it safe, or is it contributing to thyroid disorders?

Bromides are flying under the radar. Bromides are found in pesticides, they are pesticides. If bromides are pesticides then why are they found in supplements, Facial cleansers, and soda (to name a few)? It is also a goitrogen which inhibits thyroid function (see February 11th post). When I mention supplements, I am thinking of a particular one. Fish oil or most omega 3,6,9’s. They are made from krill and bottom feeders in the ocean.  This brings me back to the pesticides. Pesticides are sprayed on plants, it rains, and the rain evaporates or runs off where? Into the ocean. The water contains the bromides which settle to the bottom of the ocean and the krill feed off them. When we take these omega supplements, we are eating what they eat.

Heavy Metals and Hashimoto’s

When considering the heavy metal connection to thyroid disorders, we should look at the following that have the greatest impact on the thyroid.

  • Cadmium
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • aluminum

Our environment is contaminated by cadmium through the emission of toxin produced by the following when released into the air.

  • Mining and smelting
  • Phosphate fertilizers
  • Sewage sludge
  • Batteries
  • Plastics

Overexposure to cadmium is noted to cause multinodular goiter, reduce the secretion of thyroglobulin, and promote cell hyperplasia (swelling of the neck), which can lead to thyroid cancer. 1, 2

Lead is another heavy metal contaminate that is plaguing our environment. Increased industrialization and mining, has contributed to the problem, as has prior use of lead in gasoline. It’s also found in cheap jewelry, children’s toys, and paint in older homes. Such exposure is considered to cause depressed thyroid function and elevated TSH.3 Such information should cause us to be cognizant of the environment and food we experience.

Mercury is a heavy metal that affects thyroid hormone levels inversely. As the level of Mercury or aluminum increases, the thyroid hormone decreases. If you are wondering how you might be exposed to these two final heavy metals, you will find them in the following:

  • Dental amalgams
  • Seafood
  • Pollution from coal burning plants

Mercury affects the gland by accumulating in the thyroid and reducing iodide uptake, which inhibits thyroid hormone production. 4

Aluminum exposure comes from:

  • Antacids
  • Body care products (deodorant)
  • Food additives
  • Vaccines
  • Aluminum based cookware

Aluminum triggers an autoimmune response which may result in the production of antibodies, some of which may target the thyroid. 5

Throughout this post I referred to the threat of toxins that affect the thyroid. In future posts I will get into more detail about them so as not to leave you with questions. As you continue your cleansing, and change the way you eat, be mindful about where what you consume comes from.  The environment affects every aspect of our life. It’s for this reason it’s a good idea to perform a body cleanse twice a year. We may not be able to control the environment, be we can take care of our bodies and reduce the effect environmental toxins have in our lives.
