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6 Things You Should Have in Your Covid Arsenal

I’m trying not to make this blog about politics. But this one time I’m going to write about the flu now labeled as Covid-19.

We the people, have been bombarded with misinformation. We’re fed lies, and manipulated to believe things that are not true. Those of us who take the time to dig are called conspiracy theorists, while those still asleep listen to MSM, allowing the media to pull them further into their web of lies. Their mind control propaganda is dividing our country.

Thankfully, there are still some willing to stand up and speak the truth. There are still some doctors who haven’t forgotten the Hippocratic Oath they took to protect and heal.

Dr. McCullough is speaking out. He’s trying to connect with as many people as possible. He’s trying to save your children!

In the video below Dr. McCullough offers six things you should have in your Covid Arsenal.

We all should arm ourselves with not only the truth, but information that will help us survive the MSM/cabal of misinformation. This is a start.

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This is Not A Vaccine!

To quote Dr. Larry, “there is nothing in the vaccine that is designed to protect us from a virus infection”.

So, that out of the way we have to question, why?

Why is the CDC and WHO pushing this jab? Why is it so important to be vaccinated against a virus that no one has be able to isolate?

If there is nothing in the shot that will protect us from a “Covid/SARS virus there must be a nefarious reason for this scam.

Now, fast forward in time. So, Covid-19 isn’t a natural born virus. But hundreds of thousands of people have taken the jab. The results have been eye opening. In addition to blood clots, cardiac, and respiratory illness, we are now seeing something called the “spike protein”.

Hear we go. According t Dr. Larry, the spike protein is a man made weapon. It is not a virus. It may be attached to a virus but is not a virus. It is a poison of the blood. The spike protein can attach itself to cells all over the body. The brain, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys,  the male and female reproductive systems It is a poisoning of the blood.

They now know the spike protein is what is making people sick.

This jab is creating spike protein. Once the spike protein enters the body, it makes more of these spike protein.

Now they are talking about shedding. No one knows what is being shed, but they think it is the spike protein. They don’t know how it’s being shed. What we o know is that it’s producing the following symptoms

  • Covid-19
  • Bleeding
  • Miscarriages
  • Death
  • And more…

This is an experimental injection. It’s not approved by the FDA. It’s never been used in injections before. They are capable of passing any material it’s attached to into the liver, the kidney’s, the brain, the heart the sperm and the female reproductive system.

We have crossed the line. It’s time to admit that this jab is a bio-weapon.

Here is a short video where three medical professionals discuss the shedding and reinforce the statement that this is a bio-weapon.

Here you can listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup talk about shedding and the bleeding women are experiencing based on the shedding of spike protein.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video. Educate yourself on this topic.

Wishing everyone good health.

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