Ego death Sat, 03 Dec 2022 18:44:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Day Fourteen – The Ego Death Mon, 14 Nov 2022 19:32:00 +0000 The ego is a funny thing. It can be a trickster. While we need our ego to survive, I’m learning that it needs to put in its place more often than not.

There are many times in our life when our ego serves us. Protects us for danger. But in this spiritual awakening the ego can be a hindrance to our growth. It does serve a purpose, but I’m learning that the purpose is only to provide friction so we can free ourselves from the “mind talk”.

When we realize that our ego is our false sense of self, it becomes easier to recognize when it is sneaking in to sabotage your efforts. We need to learn to put our ego in its place. We need to remember it should not be in control. The ego is mortal, the soul is eternal. The ego provides a false sense of knowing.

We started this shadow work challenge so we could become acquainted with our true self. Our soul self. Our body is the expression of the soul. If the ego can manipulate the mind to thinking it is real, then our bodies will never realize their true potential.

We can only realize that potential by working through our Karma, doing our work. That’s all karma is, the work we agreed to do, the experiences we agreed to live so we could know ourselves, our soul self. We learn that the fear instilled in us, is only a means to keep us stuck.

The elite learned that hundreds, no, thousands of years ago. I believe they created religion to control us and keep us from knowing the truth. The ego has helped them to accomplish their goal. We through discipline and hard work will undo their programming and take back the world.

If we discipline our selves to do the work we can undo all the programming we’ve been subjected to. Brice reminds us, in her video, where the word discipline derives from. Yeshua taught his followers how to live so they could ascend. His followers were called disciples. His followers disciplined themselves to do the work.

When we do the work we will experience a lot of “stuff”. Emotions like sadness, depression, anxiety and loneliness will come up. We will feel pain in our bodies. Headaches could be part of that pain. These manifestations will confirm that we’re moving in the right direction. I’ve been experiencing some of the physical pain. I’m sure there will be more to come.

This is our dark night of the soul. These are the manifestations that release us from that darkness and bring us into the light.

This challenge is working wonders for so many people right now. I hope you will consider joining us as we awaken the world to the possibilities of enlightening.
