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Day Eight – Soul Searching

We made it through the first week. Yay!

We’ve been journaling, exercising, meditating and learning about our bodies.

In the video below, Brice shares with us her perception of the body as an information highway. We feel pain, we learn from that pain, we heal, then we begin again.

The physical pain is actually emotional pain. This is something new for many of us. This is the shadow work. It is in working through the pain that we realize the shadow side of our self. It is where we truly begin to know who we are and what we a re capable of. The manifestation of pain is how our body tells us that something needs attention. Whether it be from emotional trauma, or physical ailment, our body is telling us “look here”, “address this pain”, “learn from this”.

Our physical body is a manifestation of our energy body, our soul. It is the 3 dimensional experience we agreed to have so we could better know who we are. We agreed to have these experiences so we could learn, grow, and ultimately return to source. It is by doing this work that we can ascend to that heavenly realm. That dimension where we will continue our journey to source.

Some who are new to my platform may be shaking their head. You may think I’m crazy. I assure you, I’m not. There is much scientific evidence to back up much of what I share. This challenge is a way for me to share with you the information that backs up much of what I say.

So, today we focus on addressing the pain and friction that will release all the old blocked energy. We look at the suffering we create so we can learn what pain is. So re can learn that the matrix we live in is a manifestation of our three dimensional reality.

There’s only one way out of this dimension. Shadow work. It is by experiencing the work that we will know and be who we are. It is where we experience our soul self.

There is beauty in pain when the pain is experienced as a means of growth and healing.

It’s still not to late to jump on the Shadow Work Challenge train.