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I Pick Qi Gong… For Now

Here we go, 2021!

Another new year is upon us, and with it will come more challenges. I don’t use this platform to discuss the views of the world, because I think we get enough of that in other areas. My goal here is to focus on our inner work.

You got it. Starting in 2021, I will be sharing my continued spiritual journey.

There are those who might scoff at this idea, but I believe we are coming into a time where we will all need to raise our vibration. We were reminded in October, that we are all energy. We are born into our bodies, energy that has always existed, yet has changed forms many times throughout our third dimensional reality. I know some of you don’t subscribe to this idea. That’s okay. But please be respectful of those who wish to read this, in your comments.

So, expanding on the idea that energy can’t be created or destroyed, we realize that we must have always existed in some form. Whether it be in this space/time/dimension, or some another field.

Taking the idea of energy a bit further. We know our thoughts are also energy. Let’s consider for a moment that energy, vibration, and frequency are the keys to the universe. If that statement is true, then we are ruled by these keys. Knowing that we are energy, it stands to reason that when we think we are emitting energy called thoughts. Those thoughts or energy is released into the universe as soon s we think them.

If we think the same though over and over, then we will attract that energy.

So this year I’m going to focus on thinking about what I want my life to be. Not what is was in the past. No more looking in the rear view mirror. From now on, we look ahead, while focusing on and living in the present.

One of the ways we can do this is by focusing on us. I don’t mean that in a selfish way. I mean it in the sense that we need to listen to our bodies. We need to remember who we are, who were meant to be, who we’ve always been. We have been living in a state of amnesia. In more than one way.

It’s time to wake up. In focusing on our self, we will reveal our true nature by healing our trauma. Whether it be trauma from childhood, or past lives. Or even our family lineage. By healing our wounds, we will awaken our soul self and remember true love.

So, this month I began this journey by choosing a modality of exercise. You can choose whatever resonates with you. Running, yoga, take a spin class, walking, biking. There are many options. I’m going to begin with Qi Gong. I find it easy to connect to myself, to listen and understand. I focus on the energy as I move and breathe. By focusing on each movement I am living in the now and “feeling” present.

I will start with that, for now. We’ll see how I do.