Forms of meditation Tue, 22 Nov 2022 18:05:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Meditation Options Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:42:00 +0000 So, I started my Qi Gong practice. With it, comes meditation. While I do the simple meditation that is part of the practice, I include focused mediation in my daily routine. It took me a while to ecide which worked best for me butafter some trial and error I decided on the focused mediation. Below I listed some forms of meditation you can research. The list is growing.

But I’ll start with what appears to be the most popular options

•             mindfulness meditation

•             Visualization meditation

•             focused meditation

•             movement meditation

•             mantra meditation

•             spiritual meditation

I looked at mindful meditation and understand it originates with the Buddhists. It appears to be the most popular form of meditation practiced in the West. In this form of meditation, you focus your attention on your thoughts as they pass. Observe them without judgement. Observe any patterns while combining concentration with awareness. This practice is a good one to do alone, without a teacher.

Visualization is the practice of that focuses on physical feelings associated with the body and emotions where you focus on feeling relaxed, peaceful, and being calm. I

Focused Meditation utilizes the five senses. You can focus on the breath. Or you can focus on something external like counting mala beads, staring at the flame of a candle, moon gazing or listing to a gong. As a beginner you may find it difficult to focus for more than a couple minutes at a time.

Movement Meditation includes things like walking, gardening, Qi Gong, and Tia Chi. I use this in Qi Gong. While you move focus on the parts of your body as you move. It’s amazing what you feel.

Mantra Meditation is a forma of mediation you see in Hindu and Buddist traditions. With Mantra meditation you focus on a specific word or phrase as you breathe.

Spiritual Mediation could be a means to connecting with a higher power. A form of worship or prayer. It focuses on developing a deeper understanding of spiritual/religious meaning.

There are other forms of meditation. These however, are the most widely known or understood as meditation practice. You should research each form and determine which works best for you.
