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Spiritual Vibration – Day Seventeen

Today is a good day to focus on learning more about our spiritual vibration. Yesterday was quite intense. We worked through many things. We wrote letters to our childhood self to facilitate the healing of old wounds. Today we take a deep breath as that energy settles and shifts.

We’ve been working this challenge long enough now to know what is meant by spiritual vibration. I equate it to the energy pulsing through the body as we become more familiar with our inner knowing. Or Gnosis. Where have we seen that word before? Yes, the Gnostic texts, that’s right. The spiritual texts of not only the early Christians, but further back in history to the ancient mystery schools.

We can focus on our spiritual vibration by studying those texts, by exercising, and by meditating and spending time asking ourselves the tough questions.

Many of these questions come from from so deep we weren’t aware they existed. Until we started this work.

We keep coming back to exercise. That’s because the body is the expression of the soul. The soul is meant to ascend. The soul can’t ascend until the body can handle the spiritual vibration that causes that shift. The way to make the body strong, is to exercise.

Our bodies must be able to hold that high frequency vibration in order to ascend. Think of the body as the casing on an electric wire. The casing of wire holds in the electric current that passes along the wire. If the casing isn’t thick enough or strong enough it could burn. The electricity will get too hot, and the casing melts, releasing the current into the air. Our bodies resemble that casing. It holds in the energy that we manifest. Whether it be positive or negative, the body holds that energy. The higher the vibration of that energy the stronger the body must be. We must work to make our bodies capable of holding that high vibration which will allow us to ascend.

There is so much to learn about our bodies. Much has been kept from us on purpose. It is now time for us to play catch up. We have a lot to learn in a short time.

I’m thankful for this challenge and all those who who facilitate and participate. Everyone is contributing to this journey. As Brice says, we are all walking each other home.

We’re in good company.