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Day Twenty-Seven

Sunday, Funday!

This is our final Sunday fun-day for this Challenge.

It’s hard to believe I’ve been working this Challenge for almost 30 days. I’ve learned many things about myself. We’ve addressed both emotion and friction while incorporating them into our workout. Actually, they are a result of the workout.

I was raised during a time when we were taught that we needed to control our emotions. We needed to keep them hidden. We were weak if we showed our emotion. And no one wanted to see you cry. “Suck it up buttercup”, “brush it off and keep going”, were words we heard when we heard when we got hurt.

I don’t blame my parents for this though. They were only parenting the way they were parented. Part of our shadow work is to heal these wounds and change the perception of how we grow and learn.

For many years of my life, until recently, in fact, I hid my emotions. I never cried in front of my children. Certain people said I had a cold heart, because I didn’t show emotion. While that hurt, I never let it show. But it did affect me. For a while, I believed it. Yet, somehow in my “cold heartedness”, I still took excellent care of my children, volunteered and gave to charities. I was always there to help anyone who asked. Now that I look at the big picture, I can tell you I do have a heart.

The emotions didn’t break lose until I started doing the work. I’ve been focusing on my shadow work for years now. But to be honest, those tears didn’t flow freely, until I started this challenge.

I believe the friction created by the workout options is what forced the emotion to the surface. The friction creates pain in the body. We are learning the the pain we experience isn’t just a physical reaction to the body working muscles that haven’t been worked in years. The pain is also an emotional response to the energy that has been stored in those muscles. The “work” forces and releases that energy which is what prompts the emotion, causing the tears to release that energy.

I don’t claim to be an expert when it comes to shadow work. I’m a “newbie”. I will tell you I’ve learned a lot. I’ve become more acquainted with my true self. I’ve learned to trust myself. And I’ve learned that with time and patience, I can heal.

I’ve also learned that those working the Shadow Work Challenge have been a great support to each other. It is a new experience for me. I’m thankful for all the gifts that this Challenge has afforded me.

If you’re looking to grow and heal from past trauma of any sort, you should consider joining the Challenge in January 2023.

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Letting Go – Day Twenty-One

I can’t believe we’re already at the day 21 mark. Yes, the work has been hard, but it has also been rewarding.

I’ve learned many things about myself. I have always been a hard worker. But I have also neglected myself. I put others needs before my own. Because of this I never exercised, and I’ve not been concerned with what I eat. I eat well. Meaning I don’t eat junk food. When I was diagnosed with Hashimotos I addressed that. Now I eat mostly raw foods because I can’t be bothered to take the time to cook. On occasion I take a couple hours on a Sunday to prepare a root vegetable soup (my take on minestrone without beef broth), but outside of that I don’t plan meals.

Learning about the Doshas has helped me focus a little more on meal planning. I have a clearer understanding of how food effects the body and the emotions. It’s amazing how, when we stop to look at the big picture, everything falls into place. Food is energy, we are energy. It makes sense that we want the food we put in our bodies to match the vibration of our body. After all is is the expression of the soul.

I want that expression to match my soul purpose. So in addition to what I put in my body, I’m becoming more conscientious of moving my body. Each of the exercises Brice introduced through this challenge have been a wonderful way to observe how my body reacts and responds to pain. They have given me the opportunity to use these modalities to get to know my true self. Not the self that wants to run and hide when the pain comes up. I’ve learned that self is the ego, trying to trick me, to get me to quit. My true self is the me that pushes through the pain and keeps going. It’s the self that is learning to be honest about the pain. To sit with tit and learn the lessons that are present so I can heal those old wounds.

I can’t believe we’ve been working this challenge for 21 days. The time is passing quickly. I’ve learned a lot, but I know I still have many things to learn. I guess I’ll see what the next eight days bring.

I know we’re almost there, but it’s still not to late to join the challenge. You’ll finish later, but you will learn so much. I hope you will consider joining us. It’s never too late to begin to heal.