healthy living Sat, 03 Dec 2022 20:09:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Childhood Trauma – Day Sixteen Wed, 16 Nov 2022 19:36:00 +0000 Many of us have survived some form of childhood trauma. This topic is never an easy one to discuss. But today as we continue our journey through the Shadow Work Challenge, we come up against what is a heavy topic.

I haven’t been looking forward to this particular day in the challenge. It makes sense that Brice waited until after the halfway mark to address this topic. Some participants may already have dealt with some of this energy as it has shifted in the body. While others are still waiting for the bomb to drop. There are those of us who have been working through this trauma for many years. Even we are struggling to move past some things that are just not ready to leave the body.

There are people who might be surprised to learn they suffered any form of childhood trauma. Mostly because the trauma remained from another lifetime. Yes, I’m talking about reincarnation. It’s okay if you’re not on this band wagon. When the dust settles and the truth is revealed, you will probably change your mind.

We are all healing the little things. While others are dealing with major shifts in energy to heal the body and the mind. These individual shifts, these ah ha moments we have, may seem small in comparison to what is going on on the world stage. But as we are learning, the micro affects the macro. For every little shift we cause, its causing a greater shift in the world.

So, as we continue to heal ourselves, we are contributing to the greater good of the cosmos. No change is too small. No effort made is to little. Because when we all come together, those little shifts will cause great waves. We are the tsunami. We are the wind that will clear out the storm and bring light back into the world.

I end my day again, with my journal and a good book. I reflect on all I’ve accomplished in the last 16 days and I turn out the light.

Thankful for this Shadow Work Challenge.

Finding Courage – Day Fifteen Tue, 15 Nov 2022 19:34:57 +0000 So, we’re at the half way point of the Shadow Work Challenge. We began today as we did the first day with Marnie Alton’s Barre exercise. By now I’ve become accustom to waking early and beginning my day with my new friends.

Today is Tuesday. And true to the Challenge we learned something new today. If you’re familiar with the Hindu faith, you will already know Tuesday is Hanuman’s Day. Brice brings up Hanuman today, who is the Hindu warrior monkey god. He represents courage. The story goes like this.

Rama (who represents God) marries Sita, (represents the soul) his true love. Ravana the demon king (our ego) who can’t be slayed kidnaps Sita. Rama searches tirelessly for Sita. Until he meets and hires Hanuman (represents courage) to find an rescue Sita. It’s a beautiful story. Brice gives a brief over view of the tale below. One much better than my brief synopsis.

We are all fighting an inner war. Our ego against our soul. The only way we will win this war is if we find the courage to fight our demons. The story of Ramayana is one story that represent this struggle. Another is the Bhagavad Gita. Where Arjuna is the warrior who must find his courage.

We are writing our story by working through this challenge. We must find and conquer our demons so we can ascend and move into the light. It is the struggle we face along the way that serves as our work, our karma. In the video below, Brice recaps the day, helping us put into perspective the work that lay ahead.

So, we end the day as we have done for each day of the challenge. My journal has become my constant companion and confidant. I write that nightly entry, read for a while, then turn out the lights for the night.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet, the effects of the nightly ritual of lights out by 10pm. My sleep is a better quality and I wake more rested. That alone is worth joining the challenge.

I know we’re half way through, but you could still join the challenge, you’d only finish fifteen days later that most of us. There are those who have joined later and are finishing a bit later. It doesn’t matter. We all get there when we are meant to arrive.

Magic, Mysore, Moving Energy – Day Thirteen Sun, 13 Nov 2022 19:31:00 +0000 Today is day thirteen.

In the overview video, Brice talks to us today about the energy in our body. She asks us to go within and feel where in our body that energy might be stuck. She discusses the idea that when we realize our energy is stagnant, we can make a connection to our emotions and where we are physically in our life.

Have you ever noticed that when you get mad, noting goes right. You fall in to a cascade of emotions that lead you down a road that escalates that emotion of anger and frustration.

In the video below, Brice talks about how we can move that energy through exercise. When we “get physical” we not only create more energy in our body, but that energy acts as a conduit for those emotions to clear out. Look at it this way. When you have a clogged drain nothing will pass through it. Or whatever does pass, does so at a trickle. Slowing down the flow. When you clean out those drains, the water immediately flows through without any resistance.

The energy in our bodies is not so different from the clogged drain. If we sit idle, don’t move our bodies, then the energy doesn’t flow. When we begin the practice of exercise, that energy starts to move through the body. But because that energy has been stagnant in the body for so long, we have created blocks that need to be flushed out. Similar to flushing out the clogged drain.

As the energy begins to move it may bring up emotions that have been part of that stagnant energy. When that energy presents as anger we can help it move through the body by doing rigorous exercise. Brice gives us the option of kickboxing as a means to create this flow.

This flow will bring pain, stiffness and frustration. All of which are part of the process necessary to awaken the the body to manifest a spiritual awakening. This I am learning through this challenge.

Again the day closes with my journal, some intensive reading and lights out at 10pm.

Things are getting intense. In a good way. I hope you will look at this challenge as an opportunity to grow, spiritually (not religiously).

You can join the challenge at any time. It’s never to late toe heal and grow.

Day Eleven – The Window Of Truth – Illusion Fri, 11 Nov 2022 19:27:00 +0000 Continuing on. I’ve made it to day eleven.

Pain is coming up for many of us. Shoulders, knees, hips, elbows, any place in the body. Many of those who have taken on this challenge are saying the pain is very real. We are all working to figure out what that pain means. We’re digging deep to find the source of that pain.

One of the things Brice asked us to do yesterday was to connect with someone we lost touch with. Apparently, some participants contacted people they had previously eliminated from their life. Those people who were toxic to them. I didn’t think to do that. I’m glad I didn’t.

However, once the conversation began, it made me realize that even though I didn’t contact someone toxic, there was someone that fit the description, who in recent years I had cut ties with, so I could heal from such toxicity. It also made me realize that I hadn’t completely cut that tie.

It’s amazing how the universe works. For the last two and a half years I’ve been working to free myself from such a relationship. While I’m not going to share any information about that relationship, I will say that it was a long lasting one that left me broken and brought me to a place that I never thought I would see. Today as Brice spoke about toxic relationships, I realized I still had some unfinished business of which to address.

When I say it’s amazing how the universe works, I’m speaking of how time and space prepares a path that allows us to find the strength to work through anything. I will admit it wasn’t me who set the ball in motion, that would finally close the door to this relationship.

But I’m glad the ball is rolling. It is a scary thing, to confront years of toxicity after having such a peaceful reprieve. But I know the peace will be short lived if I don’t follow through with closing the door. I have found some solace in knowing that I am strong, and have truth on my side. I know that I can finally close the the door that will free me from that which has plagued me for 20 years.

So, we move on, learning from our decisions. We address the pain and heal. The healing will bring with it a peace and joy that will lift us all to our ascension. Where we will finally release the pain we chose to live through.

On day eleven we continue our journey. Journal, meditation, exercise, and continued lessons that bring knowledge and understanding while showing us how strong and compassionate we can be to ourselves. This challenge is teaching us all lessons we didn’t know we needed to learn.

I hope you will look at this opportunity and begin. It’s never to late to grow.

Staying Power – Day Ten Thu, 10 Nov 2022 19:23:00 +0000 We’re at day ten. a third of the way through the challenge…

Not that I’m counting.

Today we did the kickboxing. Yes, I did kickboxing instead of the Barre. Maybe just to prove a point. I still don’t feel a connection. Maybe it’s because I’m a lover not a fighter. It didn’t bring up any emotions for me. Again, I will revisit the kickboxing on occasion to see what happens.

I haven’t talked much about meditation. But that too has been part of our daily routine. Get up at five am, exercise, take a cold shower, then meditate. Or listen to the sound bowl healing. I know some people have been triggered by the OM meditation. I find it soothing. The sound bowl healing is peaceful too. Maybe there is something wrong with me. You can listen to the video which I placed below.

In today’s video, Brice went into a little more detail about how our emotions can trigger our food choices. We’ve been eating our last meal before 7pm. And we don;t snack after 7pm. This allows our digestive system to rest for at least 12 hours before breakfast. It’s amazing how much energy I wake up with when I have that twelve hour break. It makes it easier to exercise too.

I’m also surprised at how easy it has been to adjust to the meal/snack rule.

We continue with the journal, the meditating, and exercise. Today we were to reach out to someone we know and like that we lost touch with. Just a short text. It felt good to connect to a childhood friend who I haven’t seen in years.

We are drinking our 64 ounces of and finish our day with a hot bath before bed. No electronics one hour before bed. That means 9pm. Lights out at 10pm.

That in itself is a challenge.

Let the Challenge Begin Tue, 01 Nov 2022 20:33:00 +0000 Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Well, it could be.

I begin the the Shadow Work Challenge with Brice and about 400 souls who wish to know themselves.

We began the challenge with exercise, meditation and a journal.

The first day of exercise was a Barre exercise. Marnie Alton was our first exercise teacher. If you want to learn a little about Marnie, you can watch this interview.

The workout was a challenge, but not impossible. It felt good to work through the 45 minutes. It will take a little work to stretch muscles I haven;t worked in years, and of course to get my feet to move in the right direction. not to worry, I’ll get it.

If you’re interested in doing the challenge with me, I’m sure Brice would live to add you to the group of us, brave enough to do the work.

You can watch the day one overview and learn more about what will be involved in the challenge.

I’m looking forward to doing the work. We will be working with Brice Watson from Esoteric Atlanta. Working with her is Stephanie Schapp, Catherine Edwards, Emmie Christe, and Chantelle Meyburgh. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

Here’s to completing day one.

Shadow Work Challenge Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:00:00 +0000 I began to question everything about my health, in 2016 when I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

It was the worst and best day of my life. I thought I was healthy. I never thought to look at my weight or eating habits. The day I was diagnosed however, I stopped to consider how my life had progressed. My eating habits were terrible. I had migraines all the time. I used Excederine, migraine, Tylenol sinus and a bottle of coke to ease the pressure. That worked for a while but it took it”s toll on my stomach. And my thyroid.

I ate fast food, once or twice a week. And without even thinking about it I went from a size 3 to a size 7 pants. All this happened over a period of years. I was unhappy and never stopped to consider why.

So, the Hashimotos diagnosis was really a life saver. It didn’t happen over night, but over time I’ve learned how to live a better life.

Today, I’m continuing the lessons. I’m joining Brice Watson as she offers up a 30 day challenge to those who want to do their “shadow work”.

If you’re not familiar with the term “shadow work”, then let me help you understand. Some of you may not subscribe to this mindset, and that’s okay. You can let go of what doesn’t resonate with you, and politely read the post while being respectful to those who find value in what I write.

We are all born into this 3D matrix by our design. We plan out the lessons we want to learn. We participate in a soul contract whereby we will experience ideas, places, and lesson so our soul can grow and learn. We come into this world in a state of amnesia, which gives us the opportunity to experience this life without prejudice.

Included in this decent into 3D, is the memory of all that is experienced in all our incarnations. Those memories and experiences, which we agreed to, now leave a shadow on our soul. This is our shadow work. We listen to our body, we experience pain and heal it so our soul can move up and we can complete the lessons.

While this is only a summary of how I see the idea of shadow work, it is a starting point. Anyone who wishes to join us on this journey can do so by contacting Brice at

I am excited to uncover and bring into the light that which has remained hidden. That which is keeping me from moving to the next phase of my life.

6 Things You Should Have in Your Covid Arsenal Wed, 12 Jan 2022 01:08:00 +0000 I’m trying not to make this blog about politics. But this one time I’m going to write about the flu now labeled as Covid-19.

We the people, have been bombarded with misinformation. We’re fed lies, and manipulated to believe things that are not true. Those of us who take the time to dig are called conspiracy theorists, while those still asleep listen to MSM, allowing the media to pull them further into their web of lies. Their mind control propaganda is dividing our country.

Thankfully, there are still some willing to stand up and speak the truth. There are still some doctors who haven’t forgotten the Hippocratic Oath they took to protect and heal.

Dr. McCullough is speaking out. He’s trying to connect with as many people as possible. He’s trying to save your children!

In the video below Dr. McCullough offers six things you should have in your Covid Arsenal.

We all should arm ourselves with not only the truth, but information that will help us survive the MSM/cabal of misinformation. This is a start.

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Food Trauma Wed, 12 May 2021 02:06:00 +0000 For years I have been working to heal my body from “food trauma”.

You may be wondering what food trauma is. Well, its the condition our bodies realize when we eat junk food over the course of time. For years I ate poorly, never considering what it would do to my body. While I was young, the though never crossed my mind. When I had children my eating habits changed. I always tried to feed them good food, so I had to eat well too.

After my second marriage, I found that my eating habits changed again. Yes, I still cooked and made good meals. But there were times when the children would visit their dad and it would be fast food weekend. Stopping at the gas station and buying chips and coke. After a few years of that, the migraines got worse. Eventually I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

And so my journey to enlightenment began.

I’ve been through the food detox. I’ve researched the ingredients hidden in many of the foods on the supermarket shelves. Only to realize, we are being poisoned. In addition to what we eat, I found that many of the health and beauty products we use are filled with toxins too. And it is those toxins that are causing all our health issues.

We’ve been conditioned to trust those that sell us the food and products that we consume. We believe that these companies (including our corporate government) have our best interest at heart. I think if you take the time to do your research, you will find that there is nothing further from the truth.

It is now time to be responsible for ourselves. It’s time to research everything we are told. From what we eat, to what we put on our bodies, to what we place in the air we breathe. I have learned through research that everything we are sold commercially has some form of toxin in it.

Right down to asprin. If you look at the “other ingredients” listed on the label, you will find that they put antifreeze in asprin. Look it up if you don’t believe me. That’s one example.

I’m no different than any of you. I failed to do my research, until my health was affected. Now I want to share what I learn so each of you know what I know. Obviously, you should still do your research. Trust no one when it comes to what you are exposed to. Be responsible for yourself, and teach your family to do the same.

We have to look out for each other, now. For the powers that be don’t, will not, and never intended to keep us safe.

Healing Energy Sat, 10 Oct 2020 23:08:00 +0000 Living with Hashimotos has it’s challenges. While I learned early on what I needed to eliminate from my diet, I’ve had moments where I missed something.

But time is an excellent healer. I sense healing throughout my body. My weight has remained consistent, even though I’ve introduced most natural foods back into my diet. The nodules on my thyroid are gone. I have energy and can still focus.

I try to only eat food I prepare. Unfortunately sometimes my schedule isn’t conducive to meal preparation. On occasion I have purchased a box of crackers or other snack that indicates it’s soy free. Only to find out that in fine print the product was processed in a plant that process soy.

My body knows. The reaction is temporary. But it’s inconvenient.

Life is getting better. I don’t have to be so strict with whole foods, as I did early on. I feel healing. Some people may believe that once your body is damaged, it can’t be fixed. I believe the opposite.

I’ve introduced into my life the idea that we are all energy. I’m learning more about our matrix and how we’ve been tricked to believe everything we’ve been told about health. Those who have control over medicine, media and education are doing their best to brainwash us to believe we must do as they say to be healthy. When in reality their goal is to make us sick and more dependent on their drugs. Putting humanity into a tailspin where we crash in poverty. Draining our resources and leaving us with nothing.

After researching and studying the mechanics of the human body, our cellular make up, and the polarity we experience, I’ve come to realize that through science, the statement is accurate. We are all energy. And energy can neither be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed. Nikola Tesla knew this.

So, if the energy that is our thyroid can manifest Hashimotos, it can certainly transform that negative energy that manifests as Hashimotos, to a healthy thyroid. I believe that is why I’ve been able to live without medication. I believe my thyroid is healthy. So it is.

I’m going to post more on how our energy, which is influenced by the environment and our thoughts can manifest in our bodies to either create dis-ease or to heal it.

I hope you will all remain open minded and share as I continue my journey to live healthy with Hashimotos.
