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Healing Hashimotos with Herbs

I’ve been living with Hashimotos for five years now. I’ve been able to manage it naturally. Are you surprised?

One thing we all need to remember is, the drug companies are in business for one reason and one reason only. To make money. They make it sound like they have your best interest at heart, but nothing could be further from the truth.

It is for that reason that I was determined to heal my thyroid. If you’ve been following my story, you’ll know I did just that in one month. When I share that with you, it is not to soothe my ego. It is only to show you that it can be done.

Having said that, I was basically healthy when I was diagnosed. Of course, I was overweight, and didn’t eat right. And I didn’t exercise either. Outside of that I was healthy. I wasn’t on any medications, so I wasn’t working with having to heal multiple conditions or diseases.

You all know that I changed my eating habits and cleansed my body of all the junk I had been ingesting for years. But I also looked to natural remedies. Herbal remedies in particular. Herbs ae a much safer alternative and provide better result in healing. Below you can see some of the herbs that you can use to assist in healing your hormonal health.

Selenium is a natural supplement that is essential to thyroid health. Our bodies needs selenium to build enzymes and selenium helps to removes substances that can harm the thyroid. You can find selenium in Brazil nuts and dairy products.

Magnesium can be found in leafy greens such as broccoli, spinach, and kale. Magnesium is necessary for growing bones, balancing blood sugar levels, synthesizing critical proteins, and aids natural sleep. Some say you should stay away from the Brassicas, but I’ve had no issues with them

Schisandra  berry is an effective traditional Chinese medicine. You can find it in the form of supplemental powders that you can mix in any food or drink. It is good for an under-active or inactive thyroid and helps build immunity. It also normalizes your stress level.

Bladderwrack is high in iodine compared with other seaweed species. It is a good support for a healthy thyroid. It is also available in powder form

Ashwagandha Is one herb I keep in my arsenal of healing remedies. I find this to be a wonder supplement. It has the potential to normalize TSH levels while increasing the T4 levels. This herb is rated as one of the best natural supplements with its antioxidant properties. It fights free radicals reduce oxidative stress. The root of the herb contains virtually all the active compounds. You can an as well access it in powder form.

Cayenne pepper Capsaicin is the chemical property that gives Cayenne pepper its spicy kick, This plays a key role in treating Hashimoto’s disease. It’s effective in restoring the regular production of thyroid hormones. It also reduces pain and improves blood circulation.

Kelp is effective enough to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Kelp also contains amino acids, minerals, necessary vitamins, and more. All essentials needed in the body. It is an active counter and best thyroid supplement for weight loss.

The herbs I mentioned above are not the only herbs good for treating Hashimotos. Holy Basil (Tulsi) along with others work wonders to help manage Hashimotos. I’m not a doctor and would never tell you what you should take to heal your thyroid. Do your research and talk to your health care provider to see what might be the best option, for you.