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Opening the Mind

Now that I’ve been through the eye opening experience of how we are intentionally being poisoned, I’m moving on. I recently started working on my soul self, my inner being. That which is sacred. I started doing Qi Gong in January. I’m finding it to be a challenging way to grow spiritually. It has brought me to question many of the things I have been told throughout my life. Most of which I cast aside in 1999, when I began researching a book I intended to write. What an eye opening experience. That’s a topic for another day. I began meditating when I started my Qi Gong practice. I didn’t just begin to meditate. I spent some time researching what it meant to meditate. Why should I meditate? What effect would it have? And in particular, what form of meditation would be best for me. I can’t tell you what would be best for you, I can only share what I have learned. There are many forms of meditation. You might enjoy a guided meditation. Or maybe you prefer to meditate to the sounds of nature, sound bowls, or music. You will have to research what’s out there to decide what works best for you.                                                                                                         Always do your research. You can check out an earlier post I wrote while I was exploring meditations. I found mediation to be a way to get closer to the real me. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, to focus and get to that place of quiet reflection. Some days I’d sit in silence and never get there. My mind would start reeling, and I’d get lost. The important thing is, I didn’t give up. I keep practicing. I think I will always be a novice when it comes to meditating. Some days I am able to sit peacefully, and listen. Other days, it’s a challenge. I am still new at it so we’ll see how it goes.