Recovering from Hashimoto's Sat, 08 Feb 2020 00:05:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Hashimoto’s and the Road to Recovery Mon, 21 Oct 2019 21:40:00 +0000 Life is a journey. Each step you take in life is a step that either brings you to a life of pure living or causes you to stop dead in your tracks because your body can’t process the chemicals you ingest daily.

We live in a world of contradiction. On the one hand, we are blessed to experience such advanced technology that we can clone organs and animals. On the other hand, we experience a barbarism inflicted by big business where they brainwash the public to believe if they take more and more medicines, that medicine will cure them.

Nothing could be further from the truth. What makes us think that injecting the human body with chemicals or swallowing synthetic versions of herbs, will make us healthy?

The human body is made to consume and absorb plant-based products — healthy fruits and vegetables. Our bodies are screaming for that which grows naturally in soil free from pesticides. If we don’t return to the earth and nurture what we sow, we will be doomed to a life of illness and disease.

Cancer is on the rise, not because of global warming or spending too much time in the sun. Cancer is increasing because of the chemicals we put on our skin and in our bodies. We eat processed foods that are foreign to our bodies. Our cells are reacting to the toxins and pollutants by mutating and changing our genetic makeup, which presents itself as cancer.

Diabetes is running rampant in the world on an epidemic level that should be making the medical community stand up and take notice. For years doctors have told patients that insulin is the answer. The reality is if that patient is educated on the way the pancreas and liver process sugar, they will be able to cure themselves. Real food is the answer.

Autoimmune disease is another condition that is increasing. Our guts are screaming at us to clean up our act before our bodies shut down.

Pick your poison; cancer, diabetes, or autoimmune disease, all of these are curable. I know the medical community can’t claim any disease is curable. But if everything is “mind over matter” than minding what we eat, will matter. If we have a positive mindset, we can heal our bodies. If we live a healthy lifestyle in conjunction with positive thinking, then we can rid our bodies of the diseases that dominate and control our lives.

The path you chose will be the road you travel that leads you in either the path to good health or a direction that makes you dependent on the medical community. Take time today to reach out to any of the many resources available to help you on your journey to healthy living.
