Relationships Tue, 08 Nov 2022 15:45:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Healthy Relationships Wed, 09 Sep 2020 23:09:00 +0000 In 2017 I met a wonderful group of ladies. We connected through a online group that promoted the lesson of miraculous living. At the time I had no idea where the lesson would lead.

Today, I realize the best miracle is the miracle of friendship. We met in 2017. It’s now 2020 and we continue to connect every Wednesday on Zoom. We make a point to discuss the positive things that have occurred during the week. We support each other in prayer, by offering up those intentions that we each need to see in our lives.

I’ve come to realize that we can spend a lifetime surrounded by people, yet we may never really make connections. And in a flash, there are those who are drawn to each other through space and time to connect on a level so deep, it is a though they share energy. These ladies are those who I feel a connection that helps me to be the best me, I can be. I hope I offer the same to each of them.

I mention this connection because I know how lonely life can be. I remember sitting in my house, watching movies or reading. All while being alone. Yes I’m married, but that relationship is not true. I don’t say that to talk bad about my spouse, but to share the idea that sometimes even those who are supposed to be our “best friend” end up being strangers we live with. Those are things we all need to work through. Things we all need to come to terms with and resolve.

Part of healing from trauma is recognizing when things in our life aren’t right. Yes, there are always signs, but often times we push away those signs because it’s too uncomfortable to address them.

I look back on my diagnosis of Hashimotos, and through fresh eyes see another side to why I manifested it. Yes, on a subconscious level, I manifested it. Let me explain.

I’ve always been someone who wants to help others. Often times to my detriment. I never say “no” to anyone. I never tell anyone how I feel, or what I need. Now I know it’s because my throat chakra has been blocked. This block manifested in the form of a thyroid condition. This condition would require medication for the rest of my life.

Thankfully I was smart enough, awake enough to know that the pharmaceudical industry didn’t have our best interest at heart. You know the rest of that story.

My situation, where I was alone and didn’t share what I needed, where I had no friends, caused my body to react. In my determination to heal myself, I found my peeps. They may not be local, but they are there for me, and I’m there for them. We meet over tea once a week and connect daily sometimes through a private facebook group. They have helped me grow and learn more about who I am, and helped me to realize my dreams. I’m grateful for each of them.

If you’re in a place where you feel lonely and have no one to confide in, remember, there is always hope. When you need it most, and you’re open and willing to receive, you will make those connections. Keep leaning in to the healing process.
