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Shadow Work Challenge – Day Two

Day 2 started out with a little Ashtanga nurse. That would be Ashtanga yoga. Yes, yoga.

Okay, so this was challenging. If you’ve never done yoga, this could be the thing that makes you turn and run. Please don’t. You can’t quit. This is the conversation I had with myself this morning.

Then I tortured myself for five minutes with a cold shower. The cold shower is supposed to help with inflammation.

If you’d like a glimpse of the 20 minute yoga video, you can see it here.

In today’s video, Brice discusses yoga with Emmie. She shares with us the “real” yoga. And the struggles that come with the practice. This morning I worked through the above practice with Ashtanga Nurse. I must admit it was a challenge. Not having done ashtanga yoga before, I found myself stiff and clumsy. But I’m not quitting. I’ will finish this challenge.

We are bound to come up against a wall on occasion. There is so much to learn from this challenge. You can learn about day two here.

I hope you will consider joining us in this challenge. Cold shower and all. We can all learn something from this process. I look forward to the shadow work.

You should join us.

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Let the Challenge Begin

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Well, it could be.

I begin the the Shadow Work Challenge with Brice and about 400 souls who wish to know themselves.

We began the challenge with exercise, meditation and a journal.

The first day of exercise was a Barre exercise. Marnie Alton was our first exercise teacher. If you want to learn a little about Marnie, you can watch this interview.

The workout was a challenge, but not impossible. It felt good to work through the 45 minutes. It will take a little work to stretch muscles I haven;t worked in years, and of course to get my feet to move in the right direction. not to worry, I’ll get it.

If you’re interested in doing the challenge with me, I’m sure Brice would live to add you to the group of us, brave enough to do the work.

You can watch the day one overview and learn more about what will be involved in the challenge.

I’m looking forward to doing the work. We will be working with Brice Watson from Esoteric Atlanta. Working with her is Stephanie Schapp, Catherine Edwards, Emmie Christe, and Chantelle Meyburgh. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

Here’s to completing day one.

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Opening the Mind

Now that I’ve been through the eye opening experience of how we are intentionally being poisoned, I’m moving on. I recently started working on my soul self, my inner being. That which is sacred. I started doing Qi Gong in January. I’m finding it to be a challenging way to grow spiritually. It has brought me to question many of the things I have been told throughout my life. Most of which I cast aside in 1999, when I began researching a book I intended to write. What an eye opening experience. That’s a topic for another day. I began meditating when I started my Qi Gong practice. I didn’t just begin to meditate. I spent some time researching what it meant to meditate. Why should I meditate? What effect would it have? And in particular, what form of meditation would be best for me. I can’t tell you what would be best for you, I can only share what I have learned. There are many forms of meditation. You might enjoy a guided meditation. Or maybe you prefer to meditate to the sounds of nature, sound bowls, or music. You will have to research what’s out there to decide what works best for you.                                                                                                         Always do your research. You can check out an earlier post I wrote while I was exploring meditations. I found mediation to be a way to get closer to the real me. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, to focus and get to that place of quiet reflection. Some days I’d sit in silence and never get there. My mind would start reeling, and I’d get lost. The important thing is, I didn’t give up. I keep practicing. I think I will always be a novice when it comes to meditating. Some days I am able to sit peacefully, and listen. Other days, it’s a challenge. I am still new at it so we’ll see how it goes.
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Thinking Outside of The Box

Well, I’ve made it through another year. Another year older. Hmmm…

I think I’ll look at it as another year wiser. It’s amazing what we can learn in a year.

I’m continuing to evolve spiritually. While the post today has nothing to do with Hashimotos, it does have to do with healing. I’m learning that when we dig deep into our self, our soul, our being, we begin to understand how it is that dis-ease finds a way to manifest in our bodies.

I’ve been reading the lost books of the Bible. I’m amazed at the early teachings that were omitted from the Bible. While I don’t intend this post to become a debate in religion, I must say that we have been cheated. Humanity has been kept from the greatest gift in learning. If you have the chance, I suggest you start reading them. Quite enlightening. Maybe that’s the reason the Church doesn’t want us to read them.

Reading these books has prompted me to ask more questions about myself. Where I came from, what my purpose here is. How does everything fit together? The universe, God, humanity, ancient history. There are so many things we don’t know. To be honest, I think some of what we do know, those things fed to us by those in control, can’t be true.

Back to spirituality. In questioning the early history of our planet, I’ve come to realize that the mystery school teachings have a valid place in our reality. Of course, there is a God. He is part of us. He exists in each one of us. If you think about what Jesus (Yeshua) taught, it makes sense that we are more than we have been led to believe. He told us to be like Him. He taught us that we could multiply loaves, turn water to wine, walk on water, among other things. Jesus said God is within us. I’m sure you’re wondering where I’m going with this.

Well, I’m not going to teach a lesson in religion. As a matter of fact, Yeshua, despised religion. I only wanted to make a point. And that point is, if we expand our minds, we can do anything. As we become more in tune with ourselves, and learn how to control what and how we think, the possibilities are endless. Part of me wonders if that’s why the Church tells us that yoga is evil. Yoga teaches you how to focus, to be in the present moment. It teaches you how to control what you think, and how to move your body so you can work through all the trauma you’ve experienced.

I’m not a yoga expert. But I understand what I read. And anything I’ve read about yoga and meditation tells us that it is when we control our minds, how and what we think, we will be free from the matrix that has kept us enslaved. If we take control of our minds, stop watching and listening to the media, that is brainwashing us to be puppets, we will be surprised at the freedom we will enjoy.

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I Pick Qi Gong… For Now

Here we go, 2021!

Another new year is upon us, and with it will come more challenges. I don’t use this platform to discuss the views of the world, because I think we get enough of that in other areas. My goal here is to focus on our inner work.

You got it. Starting in 2021, I will be sharing my continued spiritual journey.

There are those who might scoff at this idea, but I believe we are coming into a time where we will all need to raise our vibration. We were reminded in October, that we are all energy. We are born into our bodies, energy that has always existed, yet has changed forms many times throughout our third dimensional reality. I know some of you don’t subscribe to this idea. That’s okay. But please be respectful of those who wish to read this, in your comments.

So, expanding on the idea that energy can’t be created or destroyed, we realize that we must have always existed in some form. Whether it be in this space/time/dimension, or some another field.

Taking the idea of energy a bit further. We know our thoughts are also energy. Let’s consider for a moment that energy, vibration, and frequency are the keys to the universe. If that statement is true, then we are ruled by these keys. Knowing that we are energy, it stands to reason that when we think we are emitting energy called thoughts. Those thoughts or energy is released into the universe as soon s we think them.

If we think the same though over and over, then we will attract that energy.

So this year I’m going to focus on thinking about what I want my life to be. Not what is was in the past. No more looking in the rear view mirror. From now on, we look ahead, while focusing on and living in the present.

One of the ways we can do this is by focusing on us. I don’t mean that in a selfish way. I mean it in the sense that we need to listen to our bodies. We need to remember who we are, who were meant to be, who we’ve always been. We have been living in a state of amnesia. In more than one way.

It’s time to wake up. In focusing on our self, we will reveal our true nature by healing our trauma. Whether it be trauma from childhood, or past lives. Or even our family lineage. By healing our wounds, we will awaken our soul self and remember true love.

So, this month I began this journey by choosing a modality of exercise. You can choose whatever resonates with you. Running, yoga, take a spin class, walking, biking. There are many options. I’m going to begin with Qi Gong. I find it easy to connect to myself, to listen and understand. I focus on the energy as I move and breathe. By focusing on each movement I am living in the now and “feeling” present.

I will start with that, for now. We’ll see how I do.