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Food Trauma

For years I have been working to heal my body from “food trauma”.

You may be wondering what food trauma is. Well, its the condition our bodies realize when we eat junk food over the course of time. For years I ate poorly, never considering what it would do to my body. While I was young, the though never crossed my mind. When I had children my eating habits changed. I always tried to feed them good food, so I had to eat well too.

After my second marriage, I found that my eating habits changed again. Yes, I still cooked and made good meals. But there were times when the children would visit their dad and it would be fast food weekend. Stopping at the gas station and buying chips and coke. After a few years of that, the migraines got worse. Eventually I was diagnosed with Hashimotos.

And so my journey to enlightenment began.

I’ve been through the food detox. I’ve researched the ingredients hidden in many of the foods on the supermarket shelves. Only to realize, we are being poisoned. In addition to what we eat, I found that many of the health and beauty products we use are filled with toxins too. And it is those toxins that are causing all our health issues.

We’ve been conditioned to trust those that sell us the food and products that we consume. We believe that these companies (including our corporate government) have our best interest at heart. I think if you take the time to do your research, you will find that there is nothing further from the truth.

It is now time to be responsible for ourselves. It’s time to research everything we are told. From what we eat, to what we put on our bodies, to what we place in the air we breathe. I have learned through research that everything we are sold commercially has some form of toxin in it.

Right down to asprin. If you look at the “other ingredients” listed on the label, you will find that they put antifreeze in asprin. Look it up if you don’t believe me. That’s one example.

I’m no different than any of you. I failed to do my research, until my health was affected. Now I want to share what I learn so each of you know what I know. Obviously, you should still do your research. Trust no one when it comes to what you are exposed to. Be responsible for yourself, and teach your family to do the same.

We have to look out for each other, now. For the powers that be don’t, will not, and never intended to keep us safe.