Yoga Thu, 08 Dec 2022 16:23:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 193517926 Day Twenty-Six The Yoga Sutras Sat, 26 Nov 2022 20:10:49 +0000 We made it through to another self study Saturday.

Today we looked at the Yoga Sutras. Specifically the Yamas and the Niyamas. They teach us “right living”. They show us how to live morally. The first Yama, Ahisma, teaches non violence. It teaches us to heal ourselves first.

There is a big lesson in the first Yama, Ahisma. Most of us grew up knowing we shouldn’t harm others. I think we often forget we are part of that equation. Sometimes I think we beat up ourselves more than we would ever target anyone else. The negative talk we project on ourselves puts us in a space where we go from good, to bad, to worse. We talk ourselves into believing we aren’t enough. We should consider that as harming our “self”. During this Challenge, we are learning to heal those wounds.

The Niyamas, are constructive tools that teach us self confidence and how to be happy in the moment. Santasha, the second Niyama, means contentment or joy. Here we study, to learn that we can be content with any situation. We can we find peace in the turmoil.

No matter where we are in our life we can learn to find joy in the little things.

In the video above, Brice asks us to sit quietly outside. She asks us to observe the temperature. It’s cold where I live. Or is it? The mind tells us it’s cold outside because it is protecting our bodies, keeping us from freezing to death. But if we step back and observe the feeling without prejudice, we can
notice the sensation in our body without judgment. As I sit in the cold frosty air, observing my breath as the condensation escapes from my lips, I still say it’s cold. Without prejudice, of course.

This reminds me of our shadow work. We are working through pain during our workout. we are observing the pain, objectively. Asking our bodies to tell us where the pain is coming from. What lesson do we have to learn through the pain? It still hurts, but if we look at the pain objectively, we discern healing in working through it.

While this Shadow Work Challenge is almost at it’ end, the work will continue. It will be a life-long process that only ends with death or moving to a new reality (or dimension). The lessons are unending. So, as my day closes, I record these things in my journal, and turn out the lights.

Yoga Intensive Sat, 12 Nov 2022 20:23:48 +0000 You’d think the 30 day Shadow Work Challenge would be enough for now. But no.

I decided to join Brice for The Yoga Intensive class she’s offering. There are a limited number of seats in the class and it’s filling up fast.

I don’t know what prompted me to sign up for the course. Of course, I’d like to be able to learn more about yoga. I’d also like to be able to work through the poses. I learned a bit about yoga during the 30 day shadow work challenge. It was enough to make me want to learn more.

Not only learn more, but really focus on the practice. Of all the exercises Brice introduced us to in the challenge, yoga seemed to resonate with me the most.

Unfortunately, there won’t be any sharing of videos, because these sessions are private. To protect the participants.

So here I go. I’m ready to take on the next challenge. I hope I’m ready for the pain.

It’s okay. I’m ready, willing and hopefully able.

I’m about to find out.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

I will keep you up to date on my progress though.

Addressing Anger – Day Seven Mon, 07 Nov 2022 19:18:00 +0000 Anger can become a big part of shadow work. Exercising can bring up emotions that have been dormant for years. In some cases, lifetimes. When we start shifting energy in our body, we could trigger these emotions. This is what is meant by shadow work. Sometimes these emotions manifest through pain in the body. Maybe I should say that the pain triggers the emotions. Some people experience these emotions as sadness, depression, anxiety, or anger, to name a few. Today we are addressing the emotion of anger, and how to manage it in a healthy manner.

On day three of the challenge, we were provided with a kickboxing option. Part of the reason for this option was so those who find anger coming up in the shadow work, can work through that anger by putting that energy into a form of exercise that allows for a release of tension and anger.

So, we have experienced Barre, Yoga, Dance, and Kickboxing as forms of exercise. We are growing. We continue to write in our journal. Learning more about the Doshas and how we can heal through not only exercise, but food too.

If you want to learn more about yourself and how you can be a better you, this challenge is a good way to find out who you are and what makes you tick. I’m glad I decided to step up and look within. There is much opportunity for growth in this challenge. You can still join. It’s never too late.

Day Four – Shadow Work Challenge Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:46:31 +0000 Much pain coming….

Brice will tell you about this in the video below.

Today we learn about the reality of pain and ego death. We have so much to learn about who we are. This challenge is one way for us to address the existence of our eternal soul.

For those that don’t share the views mentioned here, please be respectful of the rest of us as we learn more about the possibilities that exist. We incarnate into this 3D world many times to learn. We create a contract to give us the opportunity to learn from the journey.

Listen to the video below to learn more.

We have so much to learn about our bodies, our souls and the Karma we must work through during this lifetime. The video above is a long one, but the information Brice and Steph share will help you better understand the Mysore room and the experience you might have while working with the instructor.

This challenge is offering the opportunity for each of us to grow and learn. It is offering us the information that can help us expand our knowledge and work through and heal the energy in our bodies.

I hope you will consider doing this challenge. It’s never to late to start.
